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Friday, September 30, 2011

False attack on the Good Sen. S. Brown of Oh.

Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel
U.S. Sen Sherrod Brown "promised that the first stimulus bill would fund the Brent Spence Bridge."
Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel

Everyone, it seems, wants to sell you a bridge.
Don’t buy their promises.
One particular bridge spanning the Ohio River comes with a claim of a broken promise that Josh Mandel’s camp is pressing as an election issue.
"Sherrod Brown promised that the first stimulus bill would fund the Brent Spence Bridge … and now he is embarrassed to stand there with the president after both of them broke their promise," Mandel’s campaign said in a news release.
Mandel, currently Ohio’s treasurer, is a Republican who wants to oust Brown, a Democrat, from his U.S. Senate seat in the 2012 election. The news release, distributed Sept. 28,2011, by Mandel campaign spokesman Joe Aquilino, criticized Brown on several fronts.
The reference to the Brent Spence Bridge, which carries traffic for Interstates 71 and 75 across the Ohio River, refers both the federal stimulus package Congress approved two years ago and to a recent visit President Barack Obama made to promote a second stimulus bill. Brown was not present, saying he had congressional business to attend to in Washington.
PolitiFact Ohio took a look at the claim.
You can see the full story .

 Governor Kasich goes on television regularly with various lies and deceptions. It is interesting how a person who was just elected to office, as of November of 2010 can have money to go back on the air with more ads. And yet, we are to disbelieve that 'Big Business' is financing the Republican Party's attempt to keep the rich rich at the expense of the working, middle and lower classes. After all, then it will become . . .  Dare I say it . . . (((Class Warfare))).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Here is to Rebooting this Blog

Well, I meant to write here every day, I started out writing every day, but some how fold. So today is a fresh new start and see how long it lasts. Well, half the reason that I gave up on posting was because my passing on various petitions did not turn out as I was hoping they would, so extreme disappointment set in and not posting became easier than posting, but that was then, this is now. Now I hope to begin again,again.
Well, the Cleveland Indians are playing their last game of the season--a season that started out so well, now is about to end and the best they can do now is finish with a win and a 81-81 record.
Well, there is always the Cleveland Browns, who started 2-1 who play the Tennessee Titans and we find out if they are for real or not.
Tomorrow, I restart my computer classes, which I also started out strong then folded when I missed a class due to a family errand, which at the time was a higher priority--my younger son needed a ride to an interview and since he now works at the same Giant Eagle, but different location. I think I made the right decision to drive him.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 11th, 2011

Tomorrow is more than just Sunday. It is, as many have said, the 10th Anniversary of the day the world changed. We all stop to remember where we were and what we were doing that day.
As for me, I was still busy trying to write a 'short story'. After all, at that time, my goal was to write/publish enough short stories to get noticed and then write a novel.
How could I forget the short story ( I began writing, to the best of my memory shortly after the 4 of July, 2001) I was still working on at the time of Sept. 11th, was 'Lady Wisdom's visit to modern America'. At that time, it was difficult to work in absolute silence, especially since I was not only hoping and praying to get publish, but also not to offend the original Writer Himself, Whom i will one day come face to face with--So my inspiration, while writing was a CD I have of Mahalia Jackson, which went well, until she came to the song--"God Bless America", which every time I listen to it--it got stuck in my head, which prior to Sept 11, was most irritating, since My priority was finishing the short story that I was writing, not doing anything with an old song that has already been written.
Sept 11th, was a Tuesday, which began as usual, which began with my younger son complaining of a stomachache and staying home from school, which at the time, was not that unusual, believe it or not-he really did graduate, but that's another story.
Where was I, that day, after sending old son to school and calling off younger son and getting him comfortable, I got started with my writing to the CD of Mahalia Jackson. It wasn't going well, so I went to the library where all the librarians were glued to their computer screens, when I got back home I found out why, then I wished that I had played the Song--God Bless America--more often than I did.