Work Out on These Days
Carving out time for workouts can be tricky. Still, I recommend that you do your workouts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This way, you have a day of rest between each workout, as well as the entire weekend to recuperate so that your body is fresh and energized for your first workout of the week. Plus, you will feel fabulous starting your week with a healthy and invigorating workout session. Trust me – it’s the best way!
If you can’t work out on these days, be sure to incorporate at least a day between workouts for essential rest and recovery. Best of all, exercising three times a week will help ensure you have a bikini-ready body by summer!
I don't know about anyone else, but come Wednesday--January 18, 2012; I will be doing many things, but I will not be on-line. After all, this blog will be supporting the Anti-SOPA/Anti-PIPA Strike.
Does Cold Weather Cause Joint Pain? 3 Ways to Relieve Achy Joints
By RealAge“Every mile is two in winter” said poet George Herbert. A big chunk of our Facebook fans couldn’t agree more, particularly the ones who have arthritis or joint pain. We polled them to find out what triggers their hip and knee pain, and 42 percent blamed cold weather -- by far the leading cause. But can the elements really make your joints ache?
The scientific evidence is conflicting. Some studies find a strong relationship between short, cold, damp days and arthritis flare-ups. Research from Tufts University suggests changes in barometric pressure worsen knee pain in people with arthritis, while colder temps can cause painful changes in joint fluid thickness. Other studies have found little or no link between weather and joint pain.
Whether your aches are sparked by the weather or something else, these three steps can help you feel better.
Eat Healthy
Lo;postID=8576520414935951996ad up on foods rich in:
Avoid foods high in omega-6 fatty acids, such as corn oil, which may trigger painful inflammation. Also swap refined grains for whole grains. Early research suggests refined grains have an inflammatory effect, whereas high-fiber whole grains may help reduce inflammation.
- Omega-3 fatty acids. Think salmon and nuts to curb inflammation.
- Vitamin K. Make meals that feature greens, such as spinach, kale, and cabbage, for their pain-soothing properties.
- Vitamin C. Add color to your diet with juicy oranges, sweet red peppers and tomatoes, and other C-rich foods to halt cartilage loss (and resulting pain) that comes with arthritis.
Take Supplements
Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin may help by nourishing cartilage and increasing lubrication in your joints. A large-scale study funded by the National Institutes of Health found that a daily combo of 1,500 milligrams of glucosamine and 1,200 milligrams of chondroitin might help ease symptoms in people with moderate-to-severe joint pain.
Also make sure you're getting plenty of vitamin D to help keep your bones strong and prevent joint pain. Look for a supplement with 1,000 milligrams of D3 (the kind your body manufactures from sunlight), but check with your doctor first because some supplements can interact with prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Keep Moving
One reason cold weather is linked to joint pain is people are less likely to work out when it's chilly and damp. Being a couch potato is bad news for your joints because exercise helps lubricate them to prevent pain. Try these 6 safe, easy exercises for arthritic knees.
Too cold out? Bring your workout indoors -- and don't overdo it! Choose low-impact aerobic moves that are easy on joints, such as walking, and yoga or tai chi, which enhance your range of motion. Lifting weights can also help because it builds joint-supporting muscles.
How old are your hips, knees, and hands? Find out with our JointAge Test.
With tomarrow, being the strike day, the way I see it, between exercising and reading books and practicing the clarinet--I for one foresee no problems honoring the virtual 'picket line', in such a way that even without the innernet, I shall continue to grow.
The Biggest On-line Protest Ever
Tomorrow, January 18th, 2012, will be the largest internet protest in history. Thousands of sites across the internet, including some of the biggest in the world, will be blacking out and directing people to contact Congress to kill the web censorship bill, SOPA and PIPA. We want to get you involved.
Join us on the historic day by blacking out your site. Copy the code below and paste it into the header of your theme (Wordpress users: use the SOPA Strike plugin) to black your site out in protest of SOPA/PIPA. It will activate automatically on Jan. 18th, displaying this page and directing visitors to contact Congress, and will deactivate at the end of the day.
<script type="text/javascript">var a=new Date,b=a.getHours()+a.getTimezoneOffset()/60;if(18==a.getDate()&&0==a.getMonth()&&2012==a.getFullYear()&&13<=b&&24>=b)window.location="";</script>In just 7 days, the Senate will vote on forever altering the free and open internet by instituting a new regime of extra-judicial, corporate-led website takedowns. This is a fundamental fight about who has power in society -- the people with the means to communicate freely or the governments and corporations that feel threatened.
For the full state of play on the censorship bills, take a look at this infographic we've put together. Click here. The clock is ticking, and we're still 35 senators short of the number we need to kill the bill.
If you're on Facebook or Twitter, please use these links to spread the word about the protest:
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