The question is--What to blog--What to blog???
It has always been the aim of this blogger to do as much good as possible, but I was told that my blogging technique may be doing more harm than good. I am hoping that is wrong, but I fear that it may be true--very true. So what can I blog about, especially today. My day off of both jobs and the day before I start practicing for my next church service.
I don't think I ever wrote much about my clarinet playing, which I taught myself though various Clarinet learning books. I remember it well, it was the spring of 2009, the younger of my two sons was getting ready to graduate from high school and I was getting ready for the nest to empty, but I did not want my life to empty, so I took up the clarinet.
Tomorrow, I start practicing to play in front of the church, St. Stephen Lutheran Church to be exact. This time, I have made up my mind to spend more time in constructive practice, because last time I played for the church I did so bad that, if truth be known, I did as much faking if not more faking than real playing, which was why I did not blog about it before
Lord, Help me, Jesus; I hope and pray by posting this--that this does only good in keeping children of all ages; regardless of race, creed, religion, ethnicity and sexual preference, safe in school; in what ever country they are living in.
Make Sure NO Kid Gets Bullied At School
Thank you for signing the petition to protect students against bullying. Schools with well-defined and enforced rules against harrassment make a world of difference to students' school experience.
Tell your friends to join you and help end the suffering of bullied students.
We can't allow these tragic suicides and cases of cyberbullying to continue the way it has been going.
Please urge your friends and family to take action. You can send a message with our tell-a-friend tool, post the petition to your Facebook profile or copy and send the sample message below:
Sample email:
Hi -
Student suicides and cases of cyberbullying cannot continue the way they have been going.
This is why I recently signed a petition to bring comprehensive anti-bullying legislation to every school nationwide.
It is absurd that some schools do not have a no-tolerance policy regarding harrassment. We must make sure that students should not suffer due his or her race, zip code, or sexual orientation--or for any reason.
Join me and help end the suffering of bullied students.
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