GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT GOVERNOR KASICH IS DOING WITH THE JOBS-OHIO MONEY!! Six Signs of Career Derailment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Read More » Then, this becomes necessary>>>
The best way that I can describe this blog is that it is as complex as I am. After all, I have many interests, many concerns and a few 'pet peeves'(otherwise known as issues that I am still dealing with) and a thing or two that just simply 'IGNITES' this Czech/German/Polish Temper. This is where I testify that I am alive and part of the whole world and to save other people from repeating my mistakes and/or bad experiences. Sandy Hook 12.14.12, never again. www.causes.com/neveragain
Care2 Tool Bar
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Saturday, August 31, 2013
This the last day of August, there are many who are looking for a job. Since the Republican Party is so busy fighting ObamaCare, It is time the people fix the economy.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The needs of the many must out weigh the Greed of the few--to paraphrase Star Trek.
Dear Readers, I have received this email from MoveOn.org and have contributed, I am passing it on with the hope that those who can will also contribute at least the 5 dollars that is asked for so that together we can put an end to Republican Lies and Deceptions about the Affordable Health Care that all too many of us need--I know--I am one the many many United States Citizens who are living and have been living a long time without health care. We can not--We must not let the Republican Party get away with Stealing our health care--after all, do not our grandchildren deserve to spend time with their grandparents--how else will that happen, unless we take care of our health and live long enough to see them born and live long enough to be there when they are growing up and maybe even live long enough to see them graduate from high school and college---this should be the right of every U.S. citizen, not just the children of the 1% or 2%.
Mark Crain, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Dear MoveOn member,
- Barbara DeFratis
Starting on October 1, America will take a huge step toward universal health care. That's the day that 22 million uninsured Americans will be able to start getting affordable health insurance under Obamacare.
But now, with just weeks to go, right-wing groups have launched a multi-million-dollar "Burn Your Obamacare Card" campaign to torpedo Obamacare before it even gets started.1
Their plan: Mislead young people about how the law works so they get scared and don't enroll. The problem is that it really could work because if younger, healthier people don't participate, then costs will skyrocket and Obamacare will fail. Period.
It's disgusting—people could actually die because they don't get the health insurance they need, and our entire health care system would be thrown into chaos. But these groups are so blinded by hate for Barack Obama that they'll do anything to make his signature program fail.
To fight back, MoveOn is launching a campaign of our own to debunk the right-wing lies and go after Republican politicians and media outlets that spread this misinformation—but we need to raise at least $150,000 now to make sure we have the resources to set the record straight. Can you chip in $5?
Conservatives are so desperate to stop Obamacare from succeeding that they're literally telling people to "burn your Obamacare card"—even though these cards don't even exist.2
Our plan is to counter their misinformation campaign with a laser-like focus on social media and the websites where young people spend the most time. Young people live on the Internet today, and reaching them online is far cheaper than with traditional TV advertising.
Just for starters, we'll be able to put an ad on the Facebook page of every 18- to 35-year-old in America, and we'll also run ads in college newspapers explaining the truth about what Obamacare means for young people.
We've seen these kinds of right-wing scare tactics work before—lies about Social Security have convinced an entire generation of young people that that program won't be around in the future. And polling shows that awareness about the new program is dangerously low among the young people who need health insurance most.3
We can't just sit back and hope for the best. We have to fight back. We've come too far and fought too hard to let right-wing extremists succeed at making sure health care reform fails. Click below to donate $5 and help stop the right-wing effort to kill Obamacare before it gets started.
Thanks for all you do.
–Mark, Rosy, Manny, Eric, and the rest of the team
1. "Inside the Obamacare resistance," The Washington Post, August 1, 2013 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=292769&id=73904-21105186-Wfc_Dlx&t=4
2. Ibid.
3. "Young Adults' Obamacare Awareness Low Ahead of Rollout, Survey Says," The Huffington Post, August 21, 2013 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=292801&id=73904-21105186-Wfc_Dlx&t=5
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
This is Why This Independent is becoming more and more--Anti-Republican.
Memories: Five Times Boehner Insisted He Would Never Use The Debt Ceiling For Political Leverage
By Igor Volsky on August 27, 2013 at 3:04 pm
As the Treasury Department announced on Monday that the nation will hit the debt ceiling by mid-October, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) reiterated that Republicans won’t vote to raise America’s borrowing limit “without cuts and reforms.”
“I’ve made it clear that we’re not going to increase the debt limit without cuts and reforms that are greater than the increase in the debt limit,” he said at a fundraiser for Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID), insisting that the GOP will now demand cuts on “the mandatory side” of the ledger, impacting programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act. “[W]hat I’m trying to do here is to leverage the political process to produce more change than what it would produce if left to its own devices. We’re going to have a whale of a fight.”....READ MORE!!!!
THIS--This is why I go on Anti-Republican Rants, because what they do gets me so very angry!!!
This means that Speaker of the House John Boehner Lied not once, Lied not twice, Lied not three times, but that the Speaker Lied Five Times.
How many more Lies Will He have to tell to prove that he is not worthy of his office--the third highest in our Federal Government.
Yet, there are Republicans who claim that President Obama is 'dangerously close to being worthy of being impeached--Should not these Lies qualify Speaker Boehner for Impeachment far more than the imaginary offenses of the president.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
This--THIS Is Why Guns Do Not Belong In the Classroooms!!!
Kindergartener detained after accidentally discharging gun at Tennessee elementary school
After all, as bad as it is when a stranger comes in armed for combat, is it not even worse when a child gets hold of the teacher's gun. In addition, with all the safety devices and tactics to keep the gun safe from the children in place, by the time the gun is actually needed for an intruder that same gun will be too far to be of any use, except for the gun person that it was meant to be used on.
Friday, August 23, 2013
God Save Ohio and Ohio Jobs FROM Gov. Kasich!!!!!
To be on the save side--with any luck and a wing and a prayer this video will be watchable in one way or another. After all, Governor Kasich of Ohio needs to be held accountable for the secrets that he is trying to keep from Ohio Voters--This--THIS IS WHY HE NEEDS TO BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE OF OHIO.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
World Wide World of Sports should also include World Wide Equality!!!
In Support of a Good Cause--In Support of Julianne's Petition and Fellow Ohioan--{ GO BUCKEYES!!! ;-) }--Who Knows My Work Schedule might actually permit me to watch the Olympics this year--Or Maybe just maybe it proves that I do need to make a better effort at recording and watching--But either way, as a person who once had Olympic dreams, as unrealistic and delusional as they were---I wanted to be on the Olympic Track and Field Team, even though I had problems making it to my high school's track and field team-- :-))))))) But, Be That As It May--The Olympics Is Suppose To Be About The Best Athletes From Around The World Competing Against Each Other--Not the Best Heterosexual ones, any more than just the Caucasian ones or any other limits which keep the best from competing against the best. The Olympics should be about SKILL AND ONLY SKILL. This Is Why I am Passing on This Petition--So Please Sign Julianne's Petition--THANK YOU>>>>>
Stand Against Russia's Brutal Crackdown on Gay Rights: Urge Winter Olympics 2014 Sponsors to Condemn Anti-Gay Laws |
Friday, August 16, 2013
President Obama Is Putting Solar on the White House Roof350.org
“Better late than never—in truth, no one should ever have taken down the panels Jimmy Carter put on the roof way back in 1979,” said McKibben. “But it’s very good to know that once again the country’s most powerful address will...READ MORE!!!
After all, as a person who remembers the 1980's, as a 1979 high school graduate. At the time, solar energy did not make sense to most of us, only to those who were far sighted enough to look into the future at the future need. So we made the mistake of calling the Iran Hostage Crisis at the time the higher priority, I hope the future can forgive our mistake--that President Obama is finally and courageously correcting.
Yes, Limbaugh, Christians Can Accept Climate ChangeRead More--And Yes, A Christian Can Accept not only the fact of Climate Change, but also and more importantly, Responsibility of it. After all, We All Share This Planet Which We Call Home, no matter what our Religion or Faith is or is not--Therefore, we must also share the responsibility of caring for our planet, whether we call it being Green, Ecologically minded or is part of Creation Care, either way it all adds up to the same thing--We must stop Raping our home planet just for the love of money--We must set aside our Greed and consider the Common Good. |
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
What Every United States Citizen Needs To know, before Voting!!!
The place to be on September 27 if not 28 or 29 of that month will be the nearest movie theater which is airing this >>>>>>
![]() As the old saying goes>>> Be There or Be Square!!!! | You May Not Have Heard Of Robert Reich. His Upcoming Movie About The Middle Class Will Change That. |
If the Republican Want to start the fight early, then let us start the fight to Save America From Their Greed and Corruption Early too.
The real reason for the GOP's all-out war on Obamacare
During his press conference on Friday, President Obama pondered why the GOP's "number one priority, the one unifying principle in the Republican Party at the moment is making sure that 30 million people don't have health care." But in attributing the 40 Affordable Care Act repeal votes, the threats to shut down the government over Obamacare funding, the tens of millions of dollars in misleading ads and another summer of town hall rage to the GOP's "ideological fixation," the President was only partly right....Read More!!
This is why We Need To Fight To Save ObamaCare. After all, All that is necessary for Evil (Greed) To Triumph Is For Good People to do NOTHING.
So please consider signing their petitions, better yet, please sign them, if possible. Thank You.
TAKE ACTION: Tell Our Lawmakers: The Fight to Defend Women's Health and Rights Isn't Over, and We're in It for the Long Run.
Beverly - - secure.ppaction.org
When you twist the rules and abuse your power to force your ideology on women, we get louder. And when you stand between a woman and her doctor, you remind us of what we're fighting for. We are in it for the long run. No matter how long it takes.
TAKE ACTION: Show Your Support for the Affordable Care Act
Beverly - - secure.ppaction.org
It's Time for Wall Street to Step Up and Lend a Hand Rebuilding Main Street ACTION
Eleven European Union nations are on a path to implementing a European Robin Hood Tax, and the congressional Robin Hood Tax bill sponsored by Rep. Ellison (HR 1579) is winning co-sponsors in the House.
Yes, It Is About Time.
Tell Congress: Oppose the Republican Plan to Cripple the USPS
Join CREDO and Daily Kos to tell Congress: Oppose the Postal Reform Act of 2013.
Yes, We Can Save The United States Post Office--The Sad Truth is the people who rely on the Post Office the most are the Senior Citizens, considering the fact that we must Save the Post Office From Republican Cuts, because God Forbid, the Post Office Pays a Living Wage--Oh, Dear God, Have Mercy, The Post Office is in league with the Middle Class!! If people have the option of working for the Post Office then who would work for 'slave wages'--Big Business needs all the money they can get. BUT-YET-IT IS THE SENIOR CITIZENS WHO VOTE REPUBLICAN THE MOST--GO FIGURE!!!!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
God Save America From the Christian Fundlementalist and God Save his Son's Church from the very same.
5 Shameful Ways the United States is Leading the World
- by Judy Molland
1) Obesity....Read More
2) Health Care....Read More
3) Giving Birth....Read More
4) Energy Use Persons.....Read More
5) Defense Spending......Read More
And This>>>>
Do Corporations Have a Right to Religious Expression?
- by Crystal Shepeard
IF NOT, then the question would become how many hours would a 'Witch' have to work to earn an 1/4 of an hour of pay, if working for a Holy Ghost Filled-Born Again Christian Boss???
Not to forget, This
Little Ohio Town Determined to Keep Out Minorities
- by Judy Molland
This also happens to be a community, where I have been able to locate 46 Christian Churches and two Jewish Synagogues, and a population of just over 45,000. So with a community of this many believers--how can non-believers be at fault for this discrimination--an attempt to keep the poor out of the city, by making it hard if not impossible to get around without a car. God Forbid anyone use any kind of energy saving mass transportation.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Tell NBC & CNN: Don't Cave to Republican Hillary Threats
In the category of "how can Republicans get even more absurd," we now have this:
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is hopping mad at NBC's entertainment division ... because they are developing a miniseries about Hillary Clinton starring Diane Lane. He's so mad, in fact, that he wrote a letter to NBC Entertainment's president containing this threat:If you have not agreed to pull this programming prior to the start of the RNC's Summer Meeting on August 14, I will seek a binding vote of the RNC stating that the committee will neither partner with you in the 2016 primary debate no sanction primary debates which you sponsor.Priebus is also angry at CNN for planning a documentary on Clinton. So, naturally, he made the same threat to CNN President Jeff Zucker, using the exact same language.
This really isn't rocket science: Hillary Clinton is an eminently newsworthy and compelling figure, and it's no surprise to anyone (well, except Priebus) that NBC and CNN would want to create programs around her story. As has, would, and will be done for nearly any other comparably compelling political figure. And given that the presidential election is over three years away, and Hillary Clinton isn't even a declared candidate, there's absolutely nothing inappropriate about doing this. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
The answer should be clear, but just in case: Send NBC and CNN a message, and tell them not to cave to Republican threats.
Tell them to tell Priebus to take a hike.
BUT--FEAR NOT!! The Republican Party may claim the right of Censorship, but they are not the only ones--So For Freedom of Speech Please sign petition and do FRIEND MSNBC & NBC--THANK YOU.
Then, Again, I was There When the Clintons became the Enemies of the Far Right. After all, I confess that back in 1992--I watched the 700 Club. I remember Pat Robertson saying that 'God Told him, among other things, That George H. W. Bush Would Win Re-Election In a landslide--Reality--1992 Was the Year that Bill Clinton Was Elected President of the United States--And the Religious Right have had it in on the Clintons ever since--AS IF THEY BLAME THEM FOR DEFEATING NOT ONLY THEIR CANDIDATE, BUT THEIR GOD, ALSO.
Liberty University in Lynchbyrg, Va., has revoked its recognition of the campus Democratic Party club because, according to a university official, the club's "parent organization stands against the moral principles held by Liberty."
In a May 15 e-mail to the student group, Liberty Vice President for Student Affairs Mark Hine said the club must end its affiliation with University. The group can no longer use Liberty's name, logo, or seal for its publications, Web sites, Facebook page, Twitter account or anything else.....Read More.
I confess that I did not know about this until recently when it was pointed out as fact on Care2.
And, Yet, there are Right Wing Extremist who justify these actions of Censorship.
There are Extremists who claim that Liberals should be feared--Why I have no idea--despite the fact that I could not find any Liberal College which ever closed down a Republican Club--Does this not prove which side truly is the tolerant side--which is not the Republicans nor Conservative Christians.
This is Why We Need To Vote Republican Extremists Out Of Office--This Is Why We Need To Defend Our President against Their Lies--Sad truth is--If a lie is repeated often enough, then many people mistake it for the truth--Take the notion that 'we need the Second Amendment's Right To Bare Arms in order to protect the First Amendment Freedom of Speech' Myth that has become the mantra for the NRA and other Gun Huggers, but yet, the Second Amendment did not prevent this>>>>
Two Children Banned for Life From Talking About Fracking
Monday, August 5, 2013
The Real Truth Is Out There
Do Not Let the Americans For Prosperity (Greed and Corruption) deceive you into stabling yourself or you family in the backs
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free ...
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act
- Similar
- ShareView shared post
- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a United States federal statute ...
- obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-facts.php
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The enemies of the Middle Class and the Working Poor have lots of money to spend and can afford to spread many many lies. But The Truth Is Still Out There And Can Still Be Found.
The Middle Class Is The True Back Bone of Society. We need to build them up by increasing their numbers. Destroying ObamaCare will eventually Destroy our Society. After all, What Good Will It Do Any One If We Build The Best lamp (for example), the most economic way possible, If No One Can afford to buy that lamp. Would the lamp do anyone any good just sitting in a warehouse, some where? Or are we suppose to believe that if the rich could become even richer than they are that they will start buy lamps by the dozen to make up for those who could not to afford to light up their own houses--As If that would really happen.
Americans For Prosperity is what happens thanks to the United States Supreme Court who said that money is part of freedom of speech---As if the love of Money ever could Stop being the Root of All Evil.
We Americans of the United States need and must see their activity for what it is--They Are Gloating that They Have Enough Money To Start Buying Votes Now--Long Before the 2014 or 2016 Election has even started. This Is Why Republicans Need To Be Voted Out Of Office---God Save America From The Republican Party and the Greedy Corporations that fund it. The very Same Big Oil, Coal, and Gas Industries that are Destroying our Environment. As If This Is Not Happening >>>>>
The First Rule About Fracking Is: Don't Talk About Fracking
Under the terms of their family's damage settlement with a drilling company, two kids are forbidden from talking about fracking for the rest of their lives....
Read More!!
Friday, August 2, 2013
I confess I have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Lord, Help me, Jesus, I am sorry about my temper.
14-Year-Old Girl Defends Women’s Rights, is Labeled a Whore

This is where I must plead guilty, with my temper I too am often yield to the temptation of fighting fire with fire. I too fail to see that I am playing into their hands. As sure as there are too many Christian Bullies in the United States, these are the very same ones if someone fights back will instantly claim that they are being persecuted for Righteousness' Sake.
I am sorry, but for me this is a very emotional issue, because I too have suffered under a Christian Bully and know all too well the pain that can cause. If only they were not so wrapped up in their own Holiness and Righteousness, they could see how ugly and evil their actions are --Such as taking a person for what they are worth, instead of paying the worker their earned wages--in the name of Jesus, makes Jesus look like the source of evil.
What is worse, I saw things happening and a justification was given, but lies and deceptions were really being told in the names of The Father and of The Son and of the Holy Spirit. Supervisor of the now defunct Bedknobs & Broomstix Cleaning Service, 'Jane' was obsessed with the garbage bags that St. Paul Lutheran School/ Church bought. She hid them in many places, because she said she was afraid of them wasting them and then not being able to afford to pay the cleaning service. So there were times that she even took them home for safe keeping. Sadly, it was only after I quit the cleaning service that I could afford cable and even get talked into watching an episode or two of 'Extreme Couponing' when things began to click. We may never know how much money those sisters made in yard/ garage sales where they sold garbage bags that were never theirs to sell. I just hope and pray that these Holy Ghost Filled Christians have stopped lying, cheating and stealing from anyone and everyone they can con into hiring their cleaning service or con into working for them. Because it is that very activity that does Jesus and Christianity the Real Harm and worst, the reason many walk away from Jesus and His Church.
This Is Why I Was Also Wrong--With So Many Liars, Cheats and Thieves-- Proving we own something before we sell it, even at a yard or garage sale, might be a necessity. Yes, once again, it is the few who are causing the many harm.
Yes, I have been Wrong at times, please be patient with me, I am still learning.
This is where I must plead guilty, with my temper I too am often yield to the temptation of fighting fire with fire. I too fail to see that I am playing into their hands. As sure as there are too many Christian Bullies in the United States, these are the very same ones if someone fights back will instantly claim that they are being persecuted for Righteousness' Sake.
I am sorry, but for me this is a very emotional issue, because I too have suffered under a Christian Bully and know all too well the pain that can cause. If only they were not so wrapped up in their own Holiness and Righteousness, they could see how ugly and evil their actions are --Such as taking a person for what they are worth, instead of paying the worker their earned wages--in the name of Jesus, makes Jesus look like the source of evil.
What is worse, I saw things happening and a justification was given, but lies and deceptions were really being told in the names of The Father and of The Son and of the Holy Spirit. Supervisor of the now defunct Bedknobs & Broomstix Cleaning Service, 'Jane' was obsessed with the garbage bags that St. Paul Lutheran School/ Church bought. She hid them in many places, because she said she was afraid of them wasting them and then not being able to afford to pay the cleaning service. So there were times that she even took them home for safe keeping. Sadly, it was only after I quit the cleaning service that I could afford cable and even get talked into watching an episode or two of 'Extreme Couponing' when things began to click. We may never know how much money those sisters made in yard/ garage sales where they sold garbage bags that were never theirs to sell. I just hope and pray that these Holy Ghost Filled Christians have stopped lying, cheating and stealing from anyone and everyone they can con into hiring their cleaning service or con into working for them. Because it is that very activity that does Jesus and Christianity the Real Harm and worst, the reason many walk away from Jesus and His Church.
This Is Why I Was Also Wrong--With So Many Liars, Cheats and Thieves-- Proving we own something before we sell it, even at a yard or garage sale, might be a necessity. Yes, once again, it is the few who are causing the many harm.
Yes, I have been Wrong at times, please be patient with me, I am still learning.
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