The book that I would like to recommend is "Coming To Our Senses--Healing Ourselves And The World Through Mindfulness" by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Introduction--The Challenge of a life's time and a lifetime
It may be when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.
Wendell Berry
I don't know about you, but for myself, it feels like we are at a critical juncture of life on this planet. It could go any number of different ways. It seems that the world is on fire and so are our hearts, inflamed with fear and uncertainty, lacking all conviction, and often filled with passionate but unwise intensity. How we manage to see ourselves and the world at this juncture will make a huge difference in the way things unfold. What emerges for us as individuals and as a society in future moments will be shaped in large measure by whether and how we make use of our innate and incomparable capacity for awareness in this moment. It will be shaped by what we choose to do to heal the underlying distress, dissatisfaction and outright dis-ease of our lives, even as we nourish and protect all that is good and beautiful and healthy in ourselves and in the world .
The challenge is one of coming to our senses, both individually and as a species. I think it is fair to say that there is considerable movement in that direction world wide, with little noticed and even less understood rivulets and stream of human creativity and goodness and caring feeding into growing rivers of openhearted wakefulness and compassion and wisdom. Where the adventure is taking us as a species, and in our iindividual private lives, even from one day to the next, is unknown. The destination of this collective journey we are caught up in is neither fixed nor predetermined, which is to say there is no destination, only the journey itself. What we are facing now and how we hold and understand this moment shapes what might emerge in the next moment, and the next, and shapes it in ays that are undetermined and, when all is said and done, undeterminable, mysterious. . . . .
That was only a small part of the introduction of what, IMHO a very fascinating, thought provoking, inspiring. IMHO gives this reader much to think about, which is why I am recommending it, but no one has to hear and obey me.
Years ago, a meditaion teacher opened an interview with me on a ten-day, almost entirely silent retreat by asking, "How is the world treating you?" I mumbled some response or other to the effect that thing were going OK. Then he asked me, "And how are you treating the world?"
Personally, I find that a very profound question--"How am I treating the world?" I confess I do not treat the world all that well. Granted every once in a while, I get my mind off of my own life, a show for a moment or two, compassion for others, but all in all, I confess I am too wrapped up in my own life to treat the world very well: which for me, something to think about and hopefully and prayerfully, change.
The best way that I can describe this blog is that it is as complex as I am. After all, I have many interests, many concerns and a few 'pet peeves'(otherwise known as issues that I am still dealing with) and a thing or two that just simply 'IGNITES' this Czech/German/Polish Temper. This is where I testify that I am alive and part of the whole world and to save other people from repeating my mistakes and/or bad experiences. Sandy Hook 12.14.12, never again.
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Poem--United--from Poems of Patriotism 1942
Forgotten petty difference now,
The larger purpose glows,
Its deadly lightning shows.
The Ship of State must bear us all
And danger makes us kin,
As one, we all shall rise or fall,
So shall we strive to win.
Our banner's flying at the mast,
Our course lies straight ahead;
The ocean's trough is deep and rough,
The waves are stained with red.
The bond of danger tighter grows,
We serve a common plan;
Send o'er the sea the word that we
Are all Americans.
One hundred million sturdy soul
Once more united stand,
As one, you will find them all behind
The banner of our land.
And side by side they work today
In silken garb or rag,
And once again our troops of men
Are brothers of the flag.
And from the storm that hovers low,
And from the angry sea
Where dangers lurk and hate's at work,
Shall come to new victory.
The flag shall know not race or creed,
Nor different bands of men;
A people strong round it shall throng
To ne'er divide again.
This poem was written at the start of WWII. One day, these budget debate will be history also. One day, we will learn to agree to disagree enough to find common ground to have a functional government. After all, if we do not then we will become Not.
The larger purpose glows,
Its deadly lightning shows.
The Ship of State must bear us all
And danger makes us kin,
As one, we all shall rise or fall,
So shall we strive to win.
Our banner's flying at the mast,
Our course lies straight ahead;
The ocean's trough is deep and rough,
The waves are stained with red.
The bond of danger tighter grows,
We serve a common plan;
Send o'er the sea the word that we
Are all Americans.
One hundred million sturdy soul
Once more united stand,
As one, you will find them all behind
The banner of our land.
And side by side they work today
In silken garb or rag,
And once again our troops of men
Are brothers of the flag.
And from the storm that hovers low,
And from the angry sea
Where dangers lurk and hate's at work,
Shall come to new victory.
The flag shall know not race or creed,
Nor different bands of men;
A people strong round it shall throng
To ne'er divide again.
This poem was written at the start of WWII. One day, these budget debate will be history also. One day, we will learn to agree to disagree enough to find common ground to have a functional government. After all, if we do not then we will become Not.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hi WatercolorsAngel,
Plans for the installation of offshore windmills to promote wind power in New Jersey are now in danger of being abandoned.
Support the approval of the New Jersey Wind Power project.»
Studies have concluded that the benefits of this project far outway the costs. It could create about 5,000 desperately needed jobs, reduce reliance on foreign oil, and according to the U.S. Departments of Energy and Interior, it would "provide cost-competitive electricity to key coastal regions." Overall, the project is a promising step towards reliance on alternative energy.
The Koch brothers, however, are fighting against this plan. Their group, Americans for Prosperity, released a costs-benefit analysis that distorts and misrepresents the project.
New Jersey must not allow the Koch brothers to influence the wind power project. Tell Governor Chris Christie to support the wind power project.»
Plans for the installation of offshore windmills to promote wind power in New Jersey are now in danger of being abandoned.
Support the approval of the New Jersey Wind Power project.»
Studies have concluded that the benefits of this project far outway the costs. It could create about 5,000 desperately needed jobs, reduce reliance on foreign oil, and according to the U.S. Departments of Energy and Interior, it would "provide cost-competitive electricity to key coastal regions." Overall, the project is a promising step towards reliance on alternative energy.
The Koch brothers, however, are fighting against this plan. Their group, Americans for Prosperity, released a costs-benefit analysis that distorts and misrepresents the project.
New Jersey must not allow the Koch brothers to influence the wind power project. Tell Governor Chris Christie to support the wind power project.»
| Thanks for taking action! Camryn ThePetitionSite | The reason that I am passing on this petition is since we share the planet--we share the responsibility of taking care of it. As it has been said--the environment is not ours, its our children's which we are only borrowing . It has also been said that--talk is cheap, for action speaks louder than words. Now is the time to take action. |
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Great Lakes Restoration
Dear WatercolorsAngel,
While national attention is focused on the debt-ceiling, Congress is still debating and voting on other issues, including our Great Lakes and water quality.Great Lakes Restoration. While Governor Kasich vetoed one harmful Lake Erie bill last week, our Great Lake is still under attack. Congress wants to slash funding for critical programs, such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, that millions of Ohioans depend on to ensure clean water for drinking, public health, recreation and quality of life.
- Send an email to your Representative urging him/her to vote NO on the Interior & Environment Appropriations bill.
Clean Water Act. The United States House of Representatives has passed a plan to dismantle enforcement of the Clean Water Act (H.R. 2018, the so-called "Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011") by a vote of 239-184. In effect, this bill would make it easier for states not to comply with federal clean water standards. We need your help to ensure that this radical proposal never makes its way to the Senate floor.
- Send an email to your Senators urging them to oppose this “Dirty Water Act.”
Keith Dimoff
Executive Director
Executive Director
I am passing this on, because as an Ohioan the Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie, are near and dear to my heart. I remember going to the Lake Erie Shore when they were young to cool off. They are now young adults, ages 22 and 20. One day, I will be a Grandmother. One day, I would like to be able to take my Grandchild(ren) to the lake to cool off.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
A New Day
Ok,that is it. I think this blog has gotten way too serious. Lord, Have Mercy, I have got to lighten up.
One of my favorite poems, which I would like to share is called 'Desiderata' from the book 'The Desiderata of Happiness' by Max Ehrmann.
Go placidly amid the noisee and the haste , and remember what peace there may be found in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vail or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
One of my favorite poems, which I would like to share is called 'Desiderata' from the book 'The Desiderata of Happiness' by Max Ehrmann.
Go placidly amid the noisee and the haste , and remember what peace there may be found in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vail or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Don't let women's health issues get dissorted
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Here's to passing it on. There is more to say, but how do I explain that back in the 80's I became a 'Born again Christian' with all the conviction of a new believer. I was too busy do 'right by God' to have compassion. That is the weakness of 'Social Conservatism' who tend to be to wrapped in being the 'Holiness' and 'Righteousness' of God to remember that God The Father Almighty is first and foremost 'Love' and 'Grace' and 'Forgiveness'. Lord, forgive me, in the past, I was just as judgmental and just plane heartless. Please, let us all learn compassion before it is too late and before we vote for people who are against supporting the middle and lower classes, because we are too busy voting on other issues. The question is if I do not vote for the issue which impacts me the most then who will? |
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Climate Change--a.k.a. It's about our envirionment. . . . .
Dear WatercolorsAngel,
On September 14, Reality needs you.
Every day, millions of dollars are spent trying to convince you that climate change isn't real. Or that humans don't cause it. Or that the biggest polluters are trying to solve the problem.
But climate change is a reality. And big polluters -- drawing from the playbook used by the big tobacco companies years ago -- are trying to fool citizens and consumers around the globe by denying proven science. So how can we get the world to embrace reality? How can we share the truth about the climate crisis?
Meet The Climate Reality Project. On September 14, in a 24-hour event spanning the globe, we're introducing a brand-new organization with one clear goal: to bring the facts about the climate crisis into the mainstream by engaging everyone -- especially leaders like you -- in a conversation about how to solve it.
But enough talk for now. Former Vice President Al Gore helped create this video to explain where we are going. Watch it:
Leading up to September 14, we will need our most ardent supporters with us to help promote the event and start the conversation. That means we need you.
We're building this new project on the foundation of the remarkable work we've done together as the Alliance for Climate Protection. We are joining together with The Climate Project -- a group of volunteer climate Presenters trained by Al Gore. So when you hear from us moving forward, it will be as The Climate Reality Project.
Thank you for your continued support.
To get started, watch the video:
Maggie L. Fox
President and CEO
The Climate Reality Project
I confess the deniers have me frustrated. How can anyone just sit there and make believe that they don't see the 7 foot gorilla in the room. Every season is becoming more and more extreme, how can anyone look out the window and not see what is happening?
On September 14, Reality needs you.
Every day, millions of dollars are spent trying to convince you that climate change isn't real. Or that humans don't cause it. Or that the biggest polluters are trying to solve the problem.
But climate change is a reality. And big polluters -- drawing from the playbook used by the big tobacco companies years ago -- are trying to fool citizens and consumers around the globe by denying proven science. So how can we get the world to embrace reality? How can we share the truth about the climate crisis?
Meet The Climate Reality Project. On September 14, in a 24-hour event spanning the globe, we're introducing a brand-new organization with one clear goal: to bring the facts about the climate crisis into the mainstream by engaging everyone -- especially leaders like you -- in a conversation about how to solve it.
But enough talk for now. Former Vice President Al Gore helped create this video to explain where we are going. Watch it:
Leading up to September 14, we will need our most ardent supporters with us to help promote the event and start the conversation. That means we need you.
We're building this new project on the foundation of the remarkable work we've done together as the Alliance for Climate Protection. We are joining together with The Climate Project -- a group of volunteer climate Presenters trained by Al Gore. So when you hear from us moving forward, it will be as The Climate Reality Project.
Thank you for your continued support.
To get started, watch the video:
Maggie L. Fox
President and CEO
The Climate Reality Project
I confess the deniers have me frustrated. How can anyone just sit there and make believe that they don't see the 7 foot gorilla in the room. Every season is becoming more and more extreme, how can anyone look out the window and not see what is happening?
Monday, July 18, 2011
Human Rights Campaingn
Dear WatercolorsAngel,
The government shouldn't be able to pick and choose which marriages they like – and which ones they don't. Help us repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. |
I want to share some exciting news: This Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold the first ever hearing on the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) since it was enacted fifteen years ago – and I'll be testifying and calling for its repeal.
More importantly, I'll be sharing the stories of the real people whose lives have been forever altered by this outdated, hateful law. We need to make sure our elected leaders remember that this isn't just about the principles of fairness and equality.
In the struggle to repeal DOMA, there's nothing less at stake than millions of Americans in committed, loving relationships, who suffer the weight of injustice each and every day – denied full access to Social Security and tax benefits other married couples take for granted.
Take two minutes to share your story, or the story of someone you know who has faced discrimination against same-sex married couples. The hearing is in just two days, so please, share your story today.
51 percent of Americans oppose DOMA. The law denies same-sex couples more than 1,100 federal rights, benefits, and responsibilities of marriage. And with more and more states embracing marriage equality, the discrimination is no longer hypothetical. It's real, and it's heartbreaking.
That's why champions for equality in the House and Senate have introduced the Respect for Marriage Act. And it's why the most powerful argument we can make is to tell the very real stories of Americans whose lives have been affected by this codified discrimination.
Maybe you yourself have faced a tax burden other married couples haven't when putting your spouse on your health plan. Or you've been told that you can't take family medical leave to care for a sick spouse. Or you've been forced to choose between your spouse and your home country because our nation's immigration laws don't respect your marriage. Speak out now >>
Maybe this discrimination takes shape in being forced to deny that you've been legally married for years, since the federal government won't recognize your union. While other married couples get badly needed tax breaks during tough times, you spend extra time and money on preparing two different sets of returns each year.
The hearing on Wednesday gives us a chance to share stories like these and to put a human face on the discrimination that tens of thousands in the LGBT community face every day. I know you'll agree that if these things can happen to any couple, it's an injustice that demands immediate action.
A majority of Americans believe in equality. It doesn't matter if the issue is marriage or “Don't Ask, Don't Tell,” or DOMA – if we consistently tell the true, emotional stories of neighbors and family and friends who face discrimination every day, we'll win in the end. I know it.
Thanks for sharing,
Joe Solmonese
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The release of Casey Anthony
(CNN) -- As public outrage reaches critical mass over Casey Anthony's release from jail, trial observers who agreed with the jury's verdict say holes in the state's forensic case help explain why she was acquitted in daughter Caylee's death.
The strength of the state's forensic evidence, the stuff popularized in television dramas but widely misunderstood by the general public, has been a hot topic in legal and scientific circles since the discovery of Caylee's body in December 2008. With her remains decomposed to a skeletal state, could Florida prosecutors prove beyond a reasonable doubt how the 2-year-old died, or where her body had been before it was found in garbage bags in swampy woods near the Anthony family home?
They turned to cutting-edge forensic evidence that Anthony's lawyers called "junk science" and others considered too experimental for the courtroom.
One blogger summed up the thoughts of many trial observers in a blog post titled, "The real danger from Casey Anthony's trial: Scary scientific precedents."
"Most of these forensic techniques have never tp://been allowed in any trial in the U.S.," blogger Matt McCusker wrote on the website of the American Society of Trial Consultants, Deliberations. "The average juror does not have the expertise to differentiate between 'good science' and 'junk science,' so the court must help them by excluding dubious evidence." He made the observation a day before the not guilty verdicts.
But, with the verdicts, many believe the jurors showed they didn't buy the evidence, and proved the system works . . . .
No, that is not the whole story, but hopefully enough.
Repeating the story is not the point of this blog. The point is to address the court of Public Opinion. Yes, I do believe in Freedom of Speech. Yes, I believe she should have been found guilty. Yes, I believe that each and every person who is charged with a crime is Innocent until proven Guilty. In this case, she was found Innocent, where I believe in my right to disagree. I do not believe that any one has the right to take the law into their own hands.
Casey Anthony was found innocent, therefore she should not have to fear for her life.
The strength of the state's forensic evidence, the stuff popularized in television dramas but widely misunderstood by the general public, has been a hot topic in legal and scientific circles since the discovery of Caylee's body in December 2008. With her remains decomposed to a skeletal state, could Florida prosecutors prove beyond a reasonable doubt how the 2-year-old died, or where her body had been before it was found in garbage bags in swampy woods near the Anthony family home?
They turned to cutting-edge forensic evidence that Anthony's lawyers called "junk science" and others considered too experimental for the courtroom.
One blogger summed up the thoughts of many trial observers in a blog post titled, "The real danger from Casey Anthony's trial: Scary scientific precedents."
"Most of these forensic techniques have never tp://been allowed in any trial in the U.S.," blogger Matt McCusker wrote on the website of the American Society of Trial Consultants, Deliberations. "The average juror does not have the expertise to differentiate between 'good science' and 'junk science,' so the court must help them by excluding dubious evidence." He made the observation a day before the not guilty verdicts.
But, with the verdicts, many believe the jurors showed they didn't buy the evidence, and proved the system works . . . .
No, that is not the whole story, but hopefully enough.
Repeating the story is not the point of this blog. The point is to address the court of Public Opinion. Yes, I do believe in Freedom of Speech. Yes, I believe she should have been found guilty. Yes, I believe that each and every person who is charged with a crime is Innocent until proven Guilty. In this case, she was found Innocent, where I believe in my right to disagree. I do not believe that any one has the right to take the law into their own hands.
Casey Anthony was found innocent, therefore she should not have to fear for her life.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
7 Tips for Neutralizing the Tactics of a Bully Boss
July 14, 2011 / Guest / Career Advice
There are some real horror stories about bully bosses who have continually abused their employees. Not many situations can be as depressing as having to go to a job each day expecting to be abused. Such abuse can change a person, not just their attitude toward work, but their whole perspective on life in general. Here are 7 tips to help neutralize the tactics of a bully boss, and assist you in coming out of the situation intact.
Always Behave Properly
One of the first mistakes many employees make is they stoop to the level of the bully boss. They may yell at the boss, launch insults or generally act in an unprofessional manner. This of course proves to be deadly for them. Remember they are the boss! If you are not fired for acting inappropriately, there will be negative consequences. For your own good don’t stoop, and always behave according to proper workplace etiquette, without exception.Speak With a Respectful Tone
Keep in mind that although the boss may have a long history of being a bully, while you interact with them everyone is listening to your words and tone too. This may seem unfair, but it is a fact. If asked about a particular incident later, others will recollect not only the bully’s tone of voice and words, but yours as well. To protect your job and professional reputation always speak to the boss, bully or not, in a respectful tone.Maintain a Positive Attitude
Dealing with a bully boss can be extremely frustrating, and this is why maintaining a positive attitude is so important. A positive attitude can keep you centered and focused. Think of your positive attitude as armor shielding you from the negativity which is being projected by the bully boss. At the beginning of the day find your positive mental and emotional center, remain there no matter what happens, and don’t let the bully get under your skin.Take Personal Responsibility
In many situations the bully boss is justified for their concerns, goals may not have been reached, and quality of the job may be lacking. Unfortunately they don’t know how to handle resolution properly. Opposing a boss under these circumstances will only escalate the situation because they feel justified. To minimize any further escalation, take a look at the facts and take personal responsibility for any shortcomings, regardless how it is delivered.Be Firm, Yet Non-aggressive
No employer has the right to treat its employees with in an abusive manner. This includes physical or verbal abuse, borderline or otherwise. Let the bully boss know in a respectful manner how inappropriately they are treating you. Avoid accepting any justification for their actions, and maintain a firm, yet non-aggressive stance that their behavior must change immediately. Being firm often is the tipping point for a bully to stop the abuse.Remain Detached
One of the main reasons many employees are unable to deal with a boss who is a bully is they take it personally and get emotionally involved. In doing so, they lose their perspective and often act inappropriately themselves. They get personally drawn in to the conflict and are unable to refrain from responding aggressively. To prevent this from occurring to you remain emotionally detached, using your intelligence instead, and only doing what is right.Keep a Log of Incidents
Under most circumstances it is only a matter of time before a bully boss is discovered, and must face the music of superiors. But in the meantime, if the employees have done everything necessary to promote change it might be time to go over the boss’s head and report them directly to the higher authority. Keeping a log of bullying and abusive incidents which include the dates, times, and actions will help expedite an inquiry or a resolution.This post was contributed by Andrew G. Rosen, editor of the popular career advice blog and the author of How to Quit Your Job Gracefully. Follow him on Twitter @jobacle.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011
Greetings and salutations, I am Watercolors Angel. This is my blog, where I have been told that I can write about any thing, which is good. After all, as sure as there are different sides to my personality. I have also many and different interests and curiosities. I wonder how many, if any one will read this blog? Right now, I am rather over run by the possibilities as I watch and listen to the life of Benjamin Franklin. What this blog will evolve into is a good question, excellent question; in other words--I have no idea. Well, at least, this is a start.
By the way, there are limits to what I plan to write about. For instance, I have no plans of writing about what his face who left Cleveland for Miami. After all, that was his right, but how it was done. Oh, well, that was then, this is now, enough said on soooo many different levels.
By the way, there are limits to what I plan to write about. For instance, I have no plans of writing about what his face who left Cleveland for Miami. After all, that was his right, but how it was done. Oh, well, that was then, this is now, enough said on soooo many different levels.
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