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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Great Lakes Restoration

Dear WatercolorsAngel,
While national attention is focused on the debt-ceiling, Congress is still debating and voting on other issues, including our Great Lakes and water quality.
Great Lakes Restoration. While Governor Kasich vetoed one harmful Lake Erie bill last week, our Great Lake is still under attack. Congress wants to slash funding for critical programs, such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, that millions of Ohioans depend on to ensure clean water for drinking, public health, recreation and quality of life.
Clean Water Act. The United States House of Representatives has passed a plan to dismantle enforcement of the Clean Water Act (H.R. 2018, the so-called "Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011") by a vote of 239-184. In effect, this bill would make it easier for states not to comply with federal clean water standards. We need your help to ensure that this radical proposal never makes its way to the Senate floor. 
Lawmakers must hear loud and clear that Americans will not let Congress stand in the way of restoring the Great Lakes or dismantling the Clean Water Act and cutting critical investments that spur the economy and protect our way of life.
Keith Dimoff
Executive Director
I am passing this on, because as an Ohioan the Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie, are near and dear to my heart. I remember going to the Lake Erie Shore when they were young to cool off. They are now young adults, ages 22 and 20. One day, I will be a Grandmother. One day, I would like to be able to take my Grandchild(ren) to the lake to cool off.

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