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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Council Approves Nursing Home Plans, emergency access driveway

By Mike Lesko, Stow Sentry
     Stow--After listening to the worries of Rockport Colony residents about the location of an emergency access driveway at a proposed nursing home, City Council resonded to their concerns.
     While approving plans November 17 for an 80-bed nursing home and rehabilitation facility west of Sowul Boulevard, Council also OK'd the site that residents had requested for an emergency drive.
     Altercare Nursing Home will be located just east of the Norton Road Giant Eagle i the Towne Center Plaza shopping center south of the Hudson border.
     The emergency drive, which will be toward the west off Sowul, will be south of Sandy Hook and closer to the Summit County Metro Parks Bike and Hike Trail. It ill be the southern-most of the three routessuggested rather than the northern-most, which previously had been recommended by city officials.
     Council Vice-President and Mayor-Elect Sara Drew, chairperson of Council's planning committee, recommended that the city pick the emergency route that residents wanted, which is the plan Council approved.
     "We had an overwhelming response from Rockport Colony residents," Drew said after the meeting. "They had concerns about traffic and headlights. Their input allowed us to make some changes."
     "We want to make sure the project fits into the neighborhood and that the residents are pleased," Drew said, "Altercare will be a good neighbor, and the nursing home will be a great addition to the neighborhood."
At the Council's November 14 planning committee meeting, residents from Rockport Colony said they were not pleased with the location that city officials recommended for a 24-foot-wide emergency access drive that would be constructed off Sowul.
     Stow Fire officials said the drive is mandatory in order to accommodate a 48-foot ladder truck,which might tip over while traveling over a curb if the emergency drive was not created. The entrance would be used only for emergency purposes. . . .

The good news is that it will be built, which will bring health care, where health care is needed. After all,the 'Baby Boom Generation' are now everywhere from their 50's to their mid-late 60's.
In addition to this, there is the job factor. Jobs, many of them, good paying jobs between the construction jobs of building it to the nursing jobs that maintain it, which will all lead to other jobs and growth.

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