Care2 Tool Bar

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


SOMEONE--SOMEWHERE NEEDS TO INVESTIGE THIS PONZI SCHEME--THIS COMPUTER PRuptil I looked at the draft four $6017, I didn't believe mom in-law was like trully receiving money parttime from there new laptop.. there best friend had bean doing this for only about 22 months and at present cleared the morgage on their mini mansion and purchased a new Chevrolet Corvette. see this here
>>>>>>>>>>>> WWW.Works23.COM

After all, IF there was a word of Truth here--Why--Oh, Why would there be so much advertising as comments on Care2---If There was so much money being made--WHY IS THERE NO ADVERTISING EXPENSE BUDGET????

THIS Has to be a Ponzi scheme. Someone needs to put this computer out of business before any more people get ripped off!!!!

The Post Scribe---Temper tantrum is over. Permit me to share my current audio book--Accounting Ethics By Ronald Duska, Brenda Shay Duska.

I am finding it is a very good listen. There are many things to think about. I can only hope and pray that the person who is behind the no stop ads mascaraing as comments gets around to either listening or reading it, because they are behaving in the most UN-Ethical manner. Truly successful businesses do not need to resort to her tactics--they can afford to pay for their ads.

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