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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Haiti's Infant Care Unit In Danger of Closing. Chime.In to Help!

Hi Friends:

In partnership with Project Medishare for Haiti and, I have organized an urgent charity effort to help save the only pediatric/neonatal intensive care unit for critically ill/injured children and infants in the country of Haiti.

All I ask is that you register on, a new Interest network. One click ((or minute of your time)) could save a life in Haiti. Registration is very simple, and for each registered user, will donate $1 to Project Medishare for Haiti which urgently needs our help.

By joining, not only will you help save the only pediatric/neonatal ICU in Haiti, you will also help save the only trauma/critical care hospital which has treated over 90,000 people this year, and over 180,000 people since the devastating earthquake almost two years ago.

Every dollar raised by this campaign will make a major impact towards keeping this hospital open and saving lives everyday! 

Every dollar raised by this campaign will make a major impact towards keeping this hospital open and saving lives everyday!

Please share this Chime with friends and encourage them to register on for the cause.

Many thanks on behalf of those still in need of urgent help in Haiti.

~Sean Gardner

To share this chime with your followers, and to enable tracking so that the dollars count, please use this URL and share it with your friends:

  Thank you,

     With any luck and a wing and a prayer, we can raise more than enough money for Haiti to do good for not only for the babies and children, but also for all. For the people of Haiti have been in need a long long time. It is way past time for their suffering to end, but since none of us can change history, we will have to be content to help change their present so they can change their future.

     The way, I see it, especially my family, since we carry on my late husband's French name and France's history in Haiti is a long and dark one, which I will not go into here, since it would make this blog way too long; which is one that my family has an Holy Obligation to Atone for.

    Holy Obligations to Atone for, is something I understand, since my late Mother's late Aunt Ruth taught us (my older sister and me) about it, since her side of the family was the German side of the family, we had/have an Holy Obligation to Atone for the Holocaust by being on the side of Israel and seeing that it never happens again.

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