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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Who’s Really Committing Voter Fraud and a sneek attack on our environment?

           By Paul Canning
The conviction of a Republican operative has thrown the spotlight onto who is really committing voter fraud in the US.
Right-wing news outlets have been claiming for years that liberal groups such as ACORN are behind ‘massive’ voter fraud operations. Despite investigations by the Justice Department only showing a tiny number of proven cases (86) over the past decade, Republican legislators in twelve states have passed legislation, on the basis of supposed fraud, restricting voting.
Paul Schurick, an aide to former Maryland Republican Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted last week of attempted voter suppression.
During the 2006 gubernatorial election, Schurick tried to use robocalls to suppress the black vote. 112,000 voters were called a few hours before polls had closed in Baltimore and Prince George’s County. The recorded message told African American residents to “relax” because Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) had already won the race.
Wrote York Van Nixon III:
The conviction … reminds those old enough to remember [of] the days when African Americans were required to count the number of jelly beans in a jar before they were given a ballot.
The Washington Post’s Robert McCartney points out that this was not a minor official — Schurick was Ehrlich Jr.’s campaign manager in the 2010 race and had been his communications director for the four years that he was governor.

Right now, Republican leaders are making a carefully orchestrated effort to slip dangerous anti-environment measures into unrelated funding bills that Congress must finalize by December 31st.
The Republicans are counting on the fact that everyone is too busy and distracted by the holiday season to notice what they're doing.
But we're not going to let them get away with it, are we? Email your members of Congress now.
Here's just a small sampling of what we're facing in the next two weeks and why we MUST speak up immediately:
  • Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner is pushing to attach a rider that would force approval of the highly controversial Keystone XL pipeline with almost no review of its effect on water supplies and other public resources to the payroll tax bill. If it goes through, this would circumvent the State Department's authority and expose America's heartland to the risk of spills and contamination from the 2,000+ mile pipeline.

  • Another rider would block new limits
  • emissions. If it passes, this rider will cause up to 28,350 premature deaths, 150,000 asthma attacks, and nearly 19,000 hospital visits over the next 3 ½ years.
  • Republican Senator Barrasso of Wyoming is also pushing for a rider that would hamper efforts to preserve critical waterways, including wetlands and small streams that filter pollutants, prevent flooding, and replenish our drinking water.
Not only are these anti-environment provisions completely unrelated to the spending bills the Republicans are trying to sneak them into, they pose a serious threat to public health and to our environment.
We cannot let the Republicans get away with this...
Please contact your Senators and Representative without delay and then help spread the word. The timing is urgent!
Thank you again for your support – we could not do this without you.
Michael Town

We must remember that the world we leave behind will be the world that our children and grandchildren and their children will grow up in they will need fresh air, clean drinking water and clean sources of energy. We can not hog it all for the sake of a fast buck, because in the end that might very well be the Legacy we leave behind--The End.

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