Greetings, Dear Readers, I am passing on this e-mail because This Is Why We not only Need to Re-Elect President Obama, but Also Need to have Democrat Majority in the House and Senate. As an Independent, myself, I understand and respect the fact that it is an Independent takes much pride in remaining independent by not being in the pocket of one party or another, BUT--BUT WITH THE TEA PARTY REPUBLICANS BEING SO MUCH THE PARTY OF NO--AS IN NO COMPROMISE--THE ONLY WAY THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA WILL BE ABLE TO GOVERN WOULD BE WITH A DEMOCRAT MAJORITY!!!
THANK YOU--AlterNet.And National Memo for
If President Obama is reelected, expect a firestorm on the right -- one that will likely make the right-wing backlash to his first term look tame by contrast. No other progressive news media outlet holds a candle to AlterNet’s coverage of the right, exposing the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of Koch-funded groups like Americans For Prosperity or the post-scandal rebirth of the Religious Right’s Ralph Reed.
Our in-depth reporting on the right, funded mostly by you -- our readers -- has pulled up a curtain on the right’s voter-suppression tactics, false narratives, workplace voter manipulation, outrageous funding and corporate agenda. In a second Obama administration, our reporting on the right will require redoubled efforts, and we’re counting on your generosity to help us do just that.
Please step forward and make a contribution to keep our team intact to fight the right after the election. We need to raise $40,000. We are half way there. But this week is crunch time. Can we count on you?Warm regards,Don Hazen Executive Editor, AlterNetP.S. Your contribution today is 100% tax deductible.
THANK YOU--AlterNet.And National Memo for
Here's what Mike Earnest heard when Mitt Romney and Bain rolled into town and bought his company:
"The plant is closed and all of you are fired."
Mike tells a powerful story and we want to make sure every battleground state voter hears it because this ad has been cited by independent analysts and even Republicans as the most effective and powerful of the election cycle. You may have already seen it once or twice this year - we need to make sure everyone sees it.
So I'll be quick, I'm asking for two things:
1.) Check out the ad below
2.) If you want to make sure the view undecided voters left who we've identified as key to this election see it, contribute by clicking here
We have 24 hours to make our final budget decisions - so we just need to know if we can count on you. P.S. – I don't want to look back at what could have been. American cannot afford 8 years of Mitt Romney - so let's make these 5 days count. Please help for our final deadline. After all,we are in a Fight to Save America From the Most Un-Holy Alliance of Big Business, the Christian Far Right and the Republican Party, which is as --> Sinclair Lewis warned about-->
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