Owner of Mineral Rights Could Decide Future of Gas Well on Church Property
YES!!!! THIS MUST BE STOPPED!!!! NO ONE Should be Permitted to Destroy Our Drinking Water!!!! STATE OF OHIO THIS MUST BE STOPPED!!!Fracking appears to have started at a well at the Church of New Hope and the city is looking at options to stop the operation.
Ohio could defund Planned Parenthood

The latest attack on Planned Parenthood is happening in Ohio.I Confess I am Suppose to Be Faxing this--NOT Posting--BUT I HAVE NEITHER A Printer NOR Access to a Fax machine--Yes, This Blog is That Low Tech of an Operation. I am hoping that Posting can and will raise awareness also.
Even after a presidential election where Ohio voters clearly voted no on the Republican War on Women, Republicans in the Ohio House are still trying to pass a bill to deny Planned Parenthood the funding it needs to serve women in some parts of Ohio.
The bill has already passed out of a House committee, on party lines. Now it will head to the House floor, where legislators will have the chance to vote on it.1 We need to make sure that every member of the Ohio State House, no matter whether they are Republican or Democrat, pro-choice or anti-choice, hears that Ohioans oppose any attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.
Anti-choice representatives need to know their constituents vehemently disagree with their stand. And pro-choice representatives need to know we have their back.
Tell Ohio legislators: Vote against HB 298. Don't play politics with women's lives and defund health care for Ohio women. Send a free fax to your legislator now.
Each year, Planned Parenthood in Ohio receives over a million dollars in Department of Health funds to provide critical health care services for over 100,000 low-income women, like affordable birth control, prenatal care, cancer screenings, family planning services, and services for survivors of domestic violence.2
This is not about abortion. It's about denying women access to crucial health care services. Defunding Planned Parenthood in Ohio would jeopardize cancer prevention screenings, STI care, hypertension testing, and many of the preventative measures the organization provides to low-income women.3
The attacks on Planned Parenthood are part and parcel of a national extremist vendetta against the organization, and the women who depend on its clinics for basic care. Anti-choice organizations, politicians and activists are relentless, and they are conducting a state-by-state campaign to undermine Planned Parenthood in state legislatures around the country, no matter what the cost to women's health.
Don't let the national campaign against Planned Parenthood take health care away from low-income Ohio women.
The Question Becomes IF-IF the State of Ohio is So Pro-Life Then Why-Oh WHY 'Frack' Away Our Water??? Don't Anyone In the State Government Understand that People Can Not Live With Out Water To Drink?!?!?!? THIS--THIS IS HOW THE SO-CALLED PRO-LIFER'S HAVE EARNED THE NAME OF ANTI-CHOICE--IF THEY TRULY WERE PRO-LIFE THEN THEY WOULD KEEP ON DEFENDING LIFE EVEN AFTER THE BIRTH.
After all, We Women Are Fighting For Our Lives.
Valerie Tarico, AlterNetYou'd be surprised at Christian denominations' positions on abortion in the 1970s. READ MORE»
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