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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Yes, We can Build the Economy, but not with fear!!!!

I am passing on the following because I do understand and respect the fact that growing business networks are important--Since We need to build up the Middle Class.

Companies you may want to follow, hand-selected to help you grow your business:
Worthwhile Things   Follow Company
Summer Alexander Research   Follow Company
Connect with us to discover simple ways to increase profits without breaking your back or your bank.
We help jump start businesses with time and money saving strategies.
Strategic Vision, LLC   Follow Company
PlatinumLynx   Follow Company
Learn about using the power of PR to reach more customers in your target market.
Get tips and advice on bootstrapping your business from someone who has been there before.
See More

Personally I am very much in favor of growing businesses. What get me angry is when businesses do not treat their employees fairly.

Dear Readers, that is also why I got involved with B.I.G. for a while, but unfortunately for me, their meetings did not fit my schedule. After all, either they were when I was at work or too far away or both--but I am sharing this e-mail any way, since it might help some one:

You may have heard of us through your friends, colleagues, or maybe you've been to one of our meetings as a guest. B.I.G., (Believe, Inspire, Grow) is extremely excited to announce our latest initiative for you and your business. We are proud to present B.I.G.+PLUS, designed for the woman who seeks a path to profitability. 

Come learn more about B.I.G.+PLUS and meet these highly successful and charismatic experts who will play an instrumental role in your continued success. Join us us at any of the six free launch events listed below.

With B.I.G.+PLUS, you will propel your business forward by:
Utilizing established strategies that will increase your profits,
but not your time commitments
Accumulating money that will fuel your personal
and professional goals
Being included in an elite group of entrepreneurial women
who share your goals

Getting a clearer vision of your life's goals
         Connecting to mentors who can inspire you to new heights
Please join us at any of free launch events below by clicking the dates to register:
Tuesday, April 23rd in Newton, MA

                                      With Excitement and Support,
                                        B.I.G. HQ
I am in Stow, Ohio, with no paid vacations any time soon. Yes, I can take time off, time that will cost me, so need I say that I won't be at any of these meetings--Too far and I can't afford that much of a cut in my pay check--BUT, IF There is a chance that this might help at least one businesswoman. 
 Speaking of Fighting For Women--This is why I am also passing on this e-mail>>>
 What a joke: 24 hours from now, House Republicans are expected to vote on what they’re calling the "Violence Against Women Act" -- BUT, they're actually planning to strip out essential protections for LGBT victims of domestic abuse, Native Americans, and immigrants.

This is inexcusable and wrong. We need to protect more victims of abuse, not less -- and time is running out. Will you add your name and tell House Republicans to pass the real version of VAWA?
 SIGN YOUR NAME: Tell Eric Cantor and House Republicans to reauthorize the REAL Violence Against Women Act.
Add your name >>
The Republican version of VAWA discriminates against women because of their ethnic background and sexual orientation. We shouldn’t settle for anything but full protections for domestic abuse victims.

Help us reach 250,000 strong telling House Republicans to pass the real version of the Violence Against Women Act:
Together, we can get this done.

Democratic Headquarters
 After all, the True Enemy of the Sanctity of Marriage and Family IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!!! 
After all, We Indeed Have Nothing To Fear BUT Fear Itself>>>>
This is why I always question Fear Mongers such as>>>>
Reduce Your Profile NOW
Because Anything the IRS Gets on You WILL Be Used against You

To feed Obama's voracious federal spending machine, the IRS is ramping up what they call "taxpayer compliance" – code for "we're coming after you."

And crony bankers are making it a cakewalk for them, happily sharing your once-private financial records with IRS agents under the privacy-destroying Patriot Act.

I've researched and prepared a solution for my own personal use prior to April 15 – to lower my profile and duck under the IRS' radar (all legal, of course).

I'll share that solution with you, but first I must ask you a very sensitive, politically incorrect question: "Do you even recognize…" (continued here) --NOT!!!!
Who seem to have forgotten that The Patriot Act was enacted in 2001, by President George W. Bush in the Aftermath of 9/11.  YES, At That Time Many of Us Liberals Were angry with this invasion of our Privacy, but at the time we were mocked since it was the Republicans doing it--that meant that it was justified.  The question is how much of the Patriot Act do we still have to fear???  Good Question, since the current status of the Patriot Act is unknown and much of the information is dated--it will take time to look it up and follow all that has happened since President George W. Bush first enacted it.
So if you are like me and get this e-mail, fear not to delete it. 
After all, Some times the problem is the employee and not the employer>>>>
    How to Get Disengaged Employees to Go the Extra Mile · Are you losing money because your employees aren't fully engaged? Check out these proven ideas for getting your staff to give you...Read More!!!!

After all, one of my biggest challenges at work was when I was incharge and I was the only one motivated to get the job done right--That can be very challenging as a leader, when no one wants to follow or at least it felt that way. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fighting to Save the Environment and Save Jobs, since Lives Need them both.

Why Are Teen Pregnancy Rates So Low in North Dakota? Fracking.

You Could Be Seeing An Image Here!A new Guttmacher Institute report has good news on teen pregnancy: As has been the case for the past 20 years, it remains on the decline throughout the United States. But the new numbers (culled from 2008 and 2010 data) also present a puzzle for politicians. Teen pregnancy rates remain highest in New Mexico, Mississippi, Texas, Nevada, Arkansas, and Arizona. They’re lowest in progressive enclaves like New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and in one lone red state—North Dakota....READ MORE!!!


The Hagy Story: Loopholes Shield Fracking Industry While Families Pay the Price

Laurel Peltier  

The Hagys' water contamination lawsuit demonstrates how the natural gas industry has built a near-perfect "federal legal exemption's framework" that when combined with lax or absent state regulations and the...READ MORE!!!!

100 Million+ Americans Exposed to Toxic Drinking Water

Environmental Working Group

A new Environmental Working Group analysis of 2011 water quality tests by 201 large U.S. municipal water systems that serve more than 100 million people in 43...READ MORE!!!!


63% of Small Business Owners Rely Heavily on Word-of-Mouth to Find New Employees

As they struggle to find qualified employees, word-of-mouth tops the list of ways small business owners find new employees, topping both employee referrals and the internet
Small Businesses
Source: Gallup


It is a Struggle for Small Businesses to Find Qualified Employees

Small business owners are struggling to find qualified employees to fill job vacancies, despite the overall slow economy and reported high unemployment rates. Recent results from a survey of 601 small business owners by Gallup highlighted just how difficult it is for small business owners to find qualified candidates. Of the small business owners who responded to the survey, 23% responded that it is “very difficult” to find the right qualified employees for their business, and 30% responded that it is “somewhat difficult”. That means that more than half of the small business owners who responded are having difficulty in finding qualified candidates despite the fact that it would seem that with high unemployment rates there should be more candidates vying for each job vacancy.


From time to time we like to let you know about unique opportunities our partners offer, like this one from UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School. Top-rated schools are now offering the exact degree you would get on their campus, online. Now you can earn your MBA online while you work, while you advance in your career, while you launch your side business...well, you get the picture. Check out this note to the Brazen community from UNC's Director of Admissions below!
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School has made it possible for working professionals like you to achieve a top-ranked business education from anywhere in the world on your own time.

MBA@UNC brings the best of an on-campus program online. Our top-20 ranked program is delivered through a dynamic virtual campus experience that enables you to:
  • Participate in interactive, live online class sessions where you meet face-to-face with only 10-15 students and UNC faculty
  • Access self-paced coursework 24/7 using multimedia
  • Schedule face-to-face office hours with faculty online
  • Take advantage of an interactive online community that uses familiar social networking, groups and organizational tools
Advance your career today by applying to MBA@UNC.

Dear Readers, I am passing on this e-mail, because Our Parks Are Worth Saving;

Environment AmericaDid you see my last email? Our parks are facing across the board funding cuts and they need your help to be protected.

Please email your senators to tell them to protect our parks.

Our parks are amazing, and there’s no replacing them, yet year after year Congress depletes park funding. And just a few weeks ago, because of underfunding, the Park Service released a memo planning for cuts to parks, campgrounds, historic sites, and wildlife refuges. This means: *reduced hours of operation
*fewer services
*even closure, in some cases

We can’t let this happen. Please email your senators today, urging them to fully fund the programs that were created to keep our parks open and healthy.



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Question Becomes Who In Their Right Mind Would Vote Republican?????

By Laura Clawson, Daily Kos
If Republicans in Congress really get their way, these are exactly the vulnerable groups that will be even harder hit by cuts. . .Are you a senior relying on Meals on Wheels? That program will be serving 4 million fewer meals to seniors. READ MORE»
Personally, the part that I find the most ironic is the Meals on Wheels, since it was those very same Senior Citizens who more often than not, Vote Republican.  And While we are at it, We Can>>>

By Lisa Graves, The Nation
Pete Peterson's "Fix the Debt" project is dangerous and flawed. READ MORE»

Is it any wonder why This Independent Sounds So Much Like a Democrat!!!! After all, Intolerance Must End!!!
By Elon Green, AlterNet
You may not know the name Rod Dreher, but you will. READ MORE»

After all, Intolerance Must End---This Can Not Nor Should Not Continue>>>>

Texas Republicans Threaten Funding For Schools With Pro-LGBT Policies

 Texas Republicans Threaten Funding For Schools With Pro-LGBT Policies

 Written by Zack Ford

Two Republican Texas lawmakers have filed bills that would cut funding for schools and universities that have policies supporting their LGBT students and staff.
Last fall, the Pflugerville School District announced it would be the first in Texas to offer domestic partner benefits to the same-sex partners of its teachers and staff. State Rep. Drew Springer (R) isn’t happy about this, and has filed a bill (HB 1568) to cut 7.5 percent of a district’s healthcare funding if it offers such benefits. In his press release introducing the legislation, Springer didn’t shy away from his intention of punishing Pflugerville for recognizing same-sex relationships: READ MORE!!!!!


Arrested for Your Politics in America? It's Already Happening

Cal -
The nebulous but potent charge of terrorism has been used to systematically curtail justice....READ MORE!!!!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

GUN SANITY--Background Checks Are Indeed needed

Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
Data suggests that a gun present in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide for women by 500 percent. READ MORE»

                                                           But, Yet, The Paranoia Remains>>>>>
By Brian Tashman, Right Wing Watch
Radio bigot says, "they will claim anyone resisting the black force they are doing it because they are racist." READ MORE»

 So let me attempt to understand this insanity--It is the Fear of 'The Bogyman" that is the motivation behind the fear of background checks--As If-As If.

 NRA blasts 'real consequences' of background checks

(CNN) -- The National Rifle Association is heading back to the airwaves with yet another round of ads aimed at fighting gun-control initiatives circulating in Washington.
The advocacy group announced earlier this week that its CEO, Wayne LaPierre, would unveil the new ad campaign Saturday night from Salt Lake City during a speech at the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo.
In the same statement saying LaPierre would showcase new ads, the NRA said he would also "confront the real consequences of so-called 'universal background checks.'".... READ MORE

So that is why>>>>
 Joe the Plumber raffles AR-15

PhotoTOLEDO -- Former Congressional candidate, Joe Wurzelbacher, wants to help create a safer America and intends to start by giving away a free gun.
Wurzelbacher, or "Joe the Plumber" as he has been referred to since meeting then presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008, says his website is hosting an "Assault Weapon Giveaway" with a free AR-15 assault rifle to be awarded to a "lucky winner" on April 1.

More Guns Is Not The Solution--The Problem Is Too Many Guns. The Solution To Domestic Violence Is>>>>

TAKE ACTION NOW! Stand With Women Around The World: No More Rape, Violence or Fear

Three and a half billion women live on Earth, and one in three will be raped in her lifetime. Recent incidents in India and South Africa have focused attention on the brutal and unacceptable epidemic of violence toward women....READ MORE AND SIGN!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

What I am looking forward to on Oscar Night this year.

Tonight is Oscar night and I am in a no lose situation. Why--let us see>>>

Best Picture:Amour, Argo, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Django Unchained, Les Misérables, Life of Pi, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, Zero Dark Thirty

After all, I have seen and enjoyed ARGO, LINCOLN, LIFE OF PI, BUT I CONFESS I ENJOYED LES MISERABLES THE MOST.  I meant to see Beasts of the Southern Wild, but there were too many changes in my work schedual and I ended up forgetting to--I wish them well. I hope to rent it or watch it on demand--one way or another I will see this movie--I will see this movie.

As long as Zero Dark Thirty do not will (Ooops-- I meant does not win))), I will be happy. After all, In My Opinion--the last thing that Hollywood should do is reward 'torture', which is not only against the law of international justice, but also the least effective way of gathering intelligence. It is also why so many of our troops commit suicide--since the act of torture demoralizes our troops.

Best Actor in a Leading Role:Bradley Cooper, Daniel Day-Lewis, Hugh Jackman, Joaquin Phoenix, Denzel Washington 

 Between Daniel Day-Lewis and Hugh Jackman, if either of them win. I will be happy. I should also include Bradley Cooper, who was in Silver Linings Play-book, another movie that I meant to see, but did not. Well, the reason that I did not, was it is a little to close to home, from what I heard of the movie it is a very real betrayal of a family that is dealing with a medical crises without health care, which is the same predicament that I am in, but with only dental bills, Thank God.

Best Actress in a Leading Role:Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Lawrence, Emmanuelle Riva, Quvenzhané Wallis, Naomi Watts 

Well, any one, but Jessica Chastain, for the same reason as I hope that Zero Dark Thirty does not win best movie. By the way, while looking for picture to include on this blog, since I do not own a didgital camera--I read that Ms. Chastain's father, very recently, passed away, even though I am personally sadden by her loss--I still would not give her the Oscar this year.

 Personally, I am very disappointed that I missed seeing IMPOSSIBLE.  This is why I hope Naomi Watts wins, after all, her movie role is far more adorable than one who commits torture. My biggest hang up is that neither Jane Fonda from her role in 'Peace, Love and Misunderstanding' nor any of the women from the latest Bond film, 'Skyfall' were nominated. After all, Jane Fonda's role of the 'hippie Grandmother' was very enjoyable and was one of the reasons that I enjoyed the movie so much. The same can be said of both Judi Dench, in her final appearance as 'M' and Naomie Harris, in her first appearance as the new Ms. Moneypenny. 

 Best Director:Amour (Michael Haneke), Beasts of the Southern Wild (Benh Zeitlin), Life of Pi (Ang Lee), Silver Linings Playbook (David O. Russell), Lincoln (Steven Spielberg)

Again, I would be happy with any of these directors winning, most especially Ang Lee or Steven Spielberg.

  • Actor

    in a Supporting Role
    • Alan Arkin-- Argo
    • Robert De Niro--- Silver Linings Playbook
    • Philip Seymour Hoffman--- The Master
    • Tommy Lee Jones--- Lincoln
    • Christoph Waltz-- Django Unchained
    • Well, personally, as long as the winner is Alan Arkin or Robert De Niro, but most especially Tommy Lee Jones, I will be happy. 
  • Actress

    in a Supporting Role
    • Amy Adams The Master
    • Sally Field Lincoln
    • Anne Hathaway Les Misérables
    • Helen Hunt The Sessions
    • Jacki Weaver Silver Linings Playbook
    • Even though I missed Sessions also, from what I have heard of both Sessions and Silver Linings Playbook, I can say I would be happy to see either Helen Hunt or Jacki Weaver win. BUT I would be most happy to see either Sally Field or Anne Hathaway win, since I saw Lincoln twice and Les Miserables was my very favorite movie this year.
    • Since I saw so very few movies this year and only one opera, due to work schedule--I think that these are my only picks that I will make on my post this year--That Is If One Can True Say That I Made Any Picks, since there were so many movies and so many actors that I enjoyed watching.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

This is Why Fighting the Christian Far Right is so Important in order to Save Christianity from itself.

By K.C. Boyd, AlterNet
The bogus "school reform" movement isn't just about union-busting. READ MORE»
 Albert Einstein was so so very correct when he said>>>
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Need That ‘A’ Grade? Try Denying Climate And EvolutionNeed That ‘A’ Grade? Try Denying Climate And Evolution

It’s happening in Oklahoma – again.
A bill that would prevent teachers from marking down students who turn in papers that dispute ideas like climate change and evolution was approved by the Oklahoma Common Education committee on Tuesday by a 9-8 vote.
HB1674 states that students in science classes would be able to make totally unscientific and unfounded faith-based claims, and not be penalized for it. This is a horrible travesty of education, one that I’m sure most teachers would protest vigorously.

By Steven Hsieh, AlterNet
Some doozies by the usual suspects from Congress and Fox News. READ MORE»

THIS-THIS Is Why--the only question that I have--Is the Religious Right a greater Danger To America or To the Body of Christ.


Polls: Most Americans Side With Obama On Major Issues

According to two new polls, President Barack Obama has the upper hand on his Republican opponents on literally every major piece of his second-term agenda. Additionally, the president's approval rating now sits at a three-year high, while Republicans' is at a three-year low. See the numbers.


As one grandmother once said on Care2, it is in my opinion so very true--"The Holy Bible teaches the Why of Creation and Life; Science is there to learn the How."

This is also why my greatest concern is the Anti-Christ coming out of the Far Right and Christian Fundamentalism.

Friday, February 22, 2013

T.G.I.F. Fighting against Christian Extremism, because they do more to slice and dice the Body of Christ than Satan, himself.

Laura Gottesdiener, AlterNet

Julianne Moore? Kiera Knightley? Here are some movie star non-believers. READ MORE»
What I found most interesting--that on this list  Daniel Radcliffe, the star of the Harry Potter movies and frequent target of the Christian Fundamentalist-- Describes himself as a 'Militant Atheist'. Coincidence--I think not, more like cause and effect.

((post scribe--After all, I still remember the lesson that my younger son taught me of how our Free Will is our gift to God--We went to a WWE Wrestling Event, since he was a big fan of Professional Wrestling and I enjoyed spending time with him and his older brother, most especially when they were young. I remember that when we went there--there was also a bikini contest among the 'Divas'. I wanted to be the 'Cool Mom', so I told him, since he was 17 going on 18 at the time, that if he wanted to join the older men who were ringside that he could. I will never forget, he said that he knew that he could, but that he preferred to watch the contest with me and proceeded to put his arm over my shoulders as we watched the contest. Him, choosing to watch it with me, made all the difference. If I had laid down the law, it would have been my lose. Is this not the same with God, When we lay down the law and order people to worship Him-be He, God the Father, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob  or Allah or ______--He/She does not win, But Loses.)))

By Marc Herman, Pacific Standard

Manufacturers are using the zombie apocalypse trend as a tongue-in-cheek marketing tactic. READ MORE»

The sad truth is that we may never know until it is too late, how many people really do own weapons because of this. After all, I once worked for a pair of sisters, siblings--who operated a small cleaning service, who were seriously afraid of 'Witches'-both male and female ones and of 'goons' -- spies secretly working of the younger one's--the official boss' ex-husband.  The older sister was also convinced that this ex-husband 'bribed'  members of the AAA--American Automotive Association--to break into her apartment/condo and 'ransack' it. It is my experience if she could believe that who know what else people can talk themselves into believing--especially a Christian Fundamentalist on the Far Right, such as the two people in question.

By Prachi Gupta, AlterNet

"Killing Jesus: A History" follows the political commentator's best-sellers "Killing Lincoln" and "Killing Kennedy." READ MORE»

I must confess this is interesting, how O'Rielly will Re-Write the Holy Bible. After all, he can not blame Islam, since it is an Historical Fact that Jesus Predated Mohammad by at least 500 years. My bet is that he will find a way to blame 'Liberal Jews' even though there was no concept of Liberalism nor Conservatism as we know it here today in Modern America. Even the word, Republican had a far different meaning back then.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Fight to Save Our Selves From Ourselves, Continues.

3 killed in gunfight, crash on Las Vegas strip

Watch this video

Shooting on the Las Vegas strip

  • Casino visitor to KLAS: I "could see the fireball" out my window
  • A gunman in an SUV shoots at a car on the Las Vegas strip, causing a multivehicle crash
  • Three were dead following the shooting and crash at Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo Road
  • Police are looking for a black Range Rover Sport with large black rims
(CNN) -- Three people were dead and at least three others injured after a shooting and fiery six-vehicle crash along the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada early Thursday, police said.
The incident began about 4:20 a.m. when someone in an SUV -- stopped at a stoplight on Las Vegas Boulevard near Caesars Palace and a number of other casinos -- fired into a Maserati that also had stopped at the light, Las Vegas police said.... READ MORE!!!

The question is How Much Longer Must This Go On Before Action--Real Action Is Taken--Time is Not on our time--After all, in the mean time--I do mean Mean Time>>>>>

 Gun shortage at Wal-Mart 

Wal-Mart, which sells guns in a little less than half of its 4,000 stores nationwide, is seeing a run up in gun and ammunition sales.

Looking to buy a gun? Wal-Mart might be sold out of the one you want....READ MORE!!!


Gun-Control Bills Pass Colorado House: Was Aurora a Tipping Point? (+Video)

Cal -
The Colorado House passed four gun-control measures Monday, a notable shift for a typically libertarian, pro-gun state. Has the political climate changed enough for bills to pass state Senate?.....READ AND WATCH!!!