Data suggests that a gun present in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide for women by 500 percent. READ MORE»
But, Yet, The Paranoia Remains>>>>>
Radio bigot says, "they will claim anyone resisting the black force they are doing it because they are racist." READ MORE»
So let me attempt to understand this insanity--It is the Fear of 'The Bogyman" that is the motivation behind the fear of background checks--As If-As If.
NRA blasts 'real consequences' of background checks
(CNN) -- The National Rifle Association is heading back to the airwaves with yet another round of ads aimed at fighting gun-control initiatives circulating in Washington.
The advocacy group announced earlier this week that its CEO, Wayne LaPierre, would unveil the new ad campaign Saturday night from Salt Lake City during a speech at the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo.In the same statement saying LaPierre would showcase new ads, the NRA said he would also "confront the real consequences of so-called 'universal background checks.'".... READ MORE
So that is why>>>>
Joe the Plumber raffles AR-15
TOLEDO -- Former Congressional candidate, Joe Wurzelbacher, wants to help create a safer America and intends to start by giving away a free gun.
Wurzelbacher, or "Joe the Plumber" as he has been referred to since meeting then presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008, says his website is hosting an "Assault Weapon Giveaway" with a free AR-15 assault rifle to be awarded to a "lucky winner" on April 1.
More Guns Is Not The Solution--The Problem Is Too Many Guns. The Solution To Domestic Violence Is>>>>
TAKE ACTION NOW! Stand With Women Around The World: No More Rape, Violence or Fear
Three and a half billion women live on Earth, and one in three will be raped in her lifetime. Recent incidents in India and South Africa have focused attention on the brutal and unacceptable epidemic of violence toward women....READ MORE AND SIGN!!!!
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