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Monday, February 4, 2013

Why This Blog Fights Extremism in all it's ugliness.

‘Gays Will Burn Christians at the Stake’ Says Pastor

‘Gays Will Burn Christians at the Stake’ Says Pastor

Pastor Kevin Swanson of Generations Radio has decided to take a stand against the supposed evils of Colorado’s civil unions bill, warning that it will lead to legalized man/boy love and will result in gays burning Christians at the stake.
Frothed Swanson on his show this week (h/t Right Wing Watch which has the audio):

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!!!! The Only People Who Hate Enough To Burn Any One At The Stake Are Religious Extremist, Be They Christian, Jewish, Muslim or What Ever.

Case in point>>>>

By Elly Bulkin and Donna Nevel, AlterNet
The ADL's anti-Arab, pro-Israel mindset has led the group to perpetuate an anti-Muslim worldview. READ MORE»

By Sofia Resnick, The American Independent
The American Independent fought for background material on a University of Texas study that claimed children of same-sex couples fared worse than kids raised by heterosexual parents -- and won. READ MORE»
It's not just jihadist groups ... |

(CNN) -- The suicide bombing in Ankara Friday is a reminder to counterterrorism agencies that it's not just jihadist groups who threaten Western governments and their interests overseas.
Pockets of the extreme left and extreme right still consider political violence legitimate -- among them the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party in Turkey.
Turkish authorities have blamed the U.S. Embassy attack on the group, better known as DHKP-C, and are in the process of identifying the bomber.
Analysts say it is likely the attack had two aims -- to embarrass the Turkish government and to demonstrate the group's hostility to the deployment of Patriot anti-missile batteries on Turkish soil. Several members of the group are thought to be close to the Syrian regime.


THESE--THESE Are some of the reasons why we have nothing to fear but fear itself and Extremism in all it's forms.   Thank God, I Am a Luke Warm Christian. After all, I not only have a life, but also, since I believe others are free to disagree with me, I am free to disagree with others. I am free to care about people, who are hurting, simply because they are hurting, without first worrying about what group they belong to, as if there is a group more important than the one we all belong to--a.k.a. the Human Race--we are one group on one planet, which we all share, whether or not we share anything else or have anything else in common. After all, we are also Individuals, the proof of that are our finger prints.

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