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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Saving the Environment from Greed and Corruption. After all, There are Green Energy Jobs!!!

Shrouded in Secrecy: Industry Buries Fracking's True Dangers


Wilber, author of the 2012 book Under the Surface: Fracking, Fortunes, and the Fate of the Marcellus Shale, said the natural gas industry is different than almost every other type of industry in terms of the exemptions and...Read More.

Gasland II: From Broken Promises to Renewable Solutions

Alison Rose Levy

Although the film is about fracking, its deeper subject is America in the early twenty-first century. What used to happen in the far away Third World or indigenous regions, is now going on in...Read More.

First County in U.S. Bans Oil and Gas Extraction

Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

Monday the County Commission of Mora County became the first county in the U.S. to pass an ordinance banning all oil and gas extraction...Read More.
Thank You, Mora County, New Mexico.
All This is also why far more signatures are needed for>>>>

New York: Pass the Fracking Moratorium ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher --
Now is your chance to support a groundbreaking two-year fracking moratorium in New York. Voice your support to ensure that the health of future generations is protected...Read More.

TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell Duke Energy to Clean Up Their Toxic Coal Ash

Cal - -
After 84 years, the Riverbend Steam Station, a coal power plant, is expected to close this month. The plant was a source of continual water and air pollution in North Carolina...Read More.

TAKE ACTION NOW! Don't Expand Fracking in Ohio

Cal --
A recent proposal in Ohio would expand the number of fracking wells to over 4,000 in the next four years. There is no safe way to obtain natural gas through hydraulic fracturing and the environmental repercussions are endless..Read More.

And Please do sign all the petitions. Most expecially, this last one, we Ohioans need all the help we can get to save our State from this Governor of ours, whom I hope and pray will be voted out of office come November of 2014.
 So far, the only announced Democrat running for Governor is Fitzgerald of Cuyahoga County, whom when I lived in Cuyahoga County voted against him, that is why I am hoping someone better will enter the race. The best I can say about Fitzgerald is that he is better than Kasich.

Monday, April 29, 2013

This Evening is For the Economy and the Environment, because saving the Environment can make dollars and Sense.

Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet
Wage theft is fast becoming a top trend of the 21st-century labor market. READ MORE»
Since some jobs are not worth keeping. There is>>>
Avoiding Communication Issues in Customer Service
By taking steps to avoid customer service communication issues, you can keep customers happy and increase the chances of repeat business... Read More
Small Business Charitable Giving Builds Customer Loyalty
by Mary Nestor-Harper, for

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) run by entrepreneurs and established companies alike, are finding that another type of customer service is winning and retaining customers... Read More

You Could Be Seeing An Image Here!

Is 70 Percent Renewable Power Possible? Portugal Just Did It For 3 Months

Yes, it is!

By Jay Warmke, EcoWatch
Just how real is the fracking "boom" when compared with other developments within the energy industry—specifically the exponential growth of renewable energy? READ MORE»

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Growing the Economy for Tomorrow

This Week's Best Conversations from our Small Business Forum

We have been running a promo this month and it has not been going well. We have a radio commercial on a local station, web site and Facebook. But we are not generating sales. Need advice, please.

I'm not sure what your radio commercial sounds like, but I did take a look at your website and your Facebook Page. You do a slightly better job of communicating benefits on your Facebook Page than on ... See the full thread


 Not only does small business need help to grow, but Green Energy needs help to grow>>

Tell Georgia Power to Invest in More Clean Energy ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher - -
Now, we must send a clear message to Georgia Power's leadership that we want to grow lasting Georgia jobs by investing in 21st century clean energy and energy efficiency to power our homes and businesses...Read More.

After all, Fossil Fuels were so 20th Century. A fact that more and more people are realizing>>>


In Montana, Ranchers Line Up Against Coal

Cal - -
A proposed mine -- and a railway extension to carry it out -- would put their land at risk for an energy plan that mainly benefits Asia, ranchers say. But they're in the minority...Read More.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Even after a Hike in the Metro Parks--There is still no escaping Gun Violence, Which Must Not Become The Norm!!!

Today my blog is late, because today was the day that I went on a hike at Highbanks Metro Park in Lewis Center, Ohio--No, I still do not own a digital camera which is why I had to copy these pictures.

Photos at Highbanks Metro Park

Came across this Spiny Softshell Turtle laying eggs on a sandbar along the Olentangy River after we got rained off the job this afternoon. She's a big girl, her shell is probably 14 or 15 inches long. 6/11/2012
I was invited to go on the hike by Facebook Friends--the Buckeye Forest Council. >>>I did not do much hiking, but meet Eric and Nathan, made things a whole lot better.  After all, I arrived at the park a half hour late because I got L-O-S-T several times on the way there. I had to stop 4 or 5 times because I took a wrong turn after a wrong turn. With the help of Eric and the Metro Parks person, Ooops, I forgot to ask her her name, but at the time, I did not think I would be blogging about the experience, so I forgot to ask.
Where was I going, Oh, yes, from there I went to Olentangy Indian Caverns, which was an interesting experience. I checked out the taverns and met two women who were panning of gems and picked up a couple souvenirs, lest I drive for 2 hours each way without anything to show for it.

Olentangy Indian Caverns - Delaware, OH

Olentangy Indian Caverns

In addition to shopping at the gift shop, I also picked up 3 local papers along the way. Of course, this is Ohio, U.S.A.; which explains why the News Journal of Mansfield, Ohio--Front Page had to include the story>>>

Pupils mourn gun death of 10-year old

by Nick Bechtel

Marengo--Students at Highland Elementary School and the surroundin community grieved Friday after the death of a fourth-grade student.

Ten-year-old Dalton Wayne Taylor was accidentally shot and killed around 6 p.m. Thursday. . .

Morrow County Sherrif Steven Brenneman said an investigation revealed hunting gear and a shotgun had recently been taken out of a vehicle and stored in the garage. Dalton and other juveniles were playing in the garage and found the shotgun. The weapon was fired and the child shot.

Yet, there are some people who believe that more guns are the solution to gun violence.  Yet, there are some people who believe that arming teachers will keep their students safe. The question becomes how many more deaths will it take before America Takes Gun Safety Seriously? 


Bulletproof Clothes For Children? Are You Kidding?

Bulletproof Clothes For Children? Are You Kidding?In case you’re worried that training teachers in the art of carrying concealed weapons and placing armed guards and metal detectors on campuses won’t prevent school shootings, here’s another idea: bulletproof vests and backpacks for all students.
Miguel Caballero is a Columbia-based company that is best-known for its high-fashion bulletproof clothing line for celebrities and political figures, but now it is turning its attention to school children in the United States. Grade school body armor has arrived, in the form of bulletproof backpacks, t-shirts, and puffer vests...READ MORE!!

STOP PEOPLE!! THINK ABOUT WHAT THIS IS SAYING--Making Gun Violence so much part of every day life that one has to prepare for it--IS INSANITY!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy Arbor Day!!! U.S.A.

We Need Our WetlandsStop the New Madrid Levee

Water Protection Network  

stopleveefi No project in our country threatens to destroy more wetlands than the St. Johns/New Madrid Levee Project. Sign this petition to tell the Obama Administration to stop the largest wetlands destruction project on the books today...Read More.

 La Nouvelle-Orléans (New Orleans) was founded May 7, 1718, by the French Mississippi Company, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville, on land inhabited by the Chitimacha.
The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period (Medieval Climate Optimum).[1] While it was not a true ice age, the term was introduced into the scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939.[2] It has been conventionally defined as a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries,[3][4][5] or alternatively, from about 1350 to about 1850,[6] though climatologists and historians working with local records no longer expect to agree on either the start or end dates of this period, which varied according to local conditions. NASA defines the term as a cold period between AD 1550  and AD 1850  and notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.[7] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Assessment Report considered the timing and areas affected by the LIA suggested largely independent regional climate changes, rather than a globally synchronous increased glaciation. At most there was modest cooling of the Northern Hemisphere during the period.[8]
Several causes have been proposed: cyclical lows in solar radiation, heightened volcanic activity, changes in the ocean circulation, an inherent variability in global climate, or decreases in the human population.
 Which all adds up to one fact, New Orleans was founded and settle during the 'Little Ice Age' when ocean levels were low. Now we have 'Global Warming' with ever increasing ocean levels. The sad truth, as this blogger sees it, unless we can and are willing to turn around 'Global Warming'; we might have to face the fact that New Orleans is about to become a Casualty of 'Global Warming'.
Since the levees cannot save the City of New Orleans, but we can save the Environment of Louisiana.

So How Do We Save New Orleans; This Is How We Save New Orleans>>>

Tara Lohan, AlterNet
The country's leading climatologist talks about what our future looks like if we continue along with business as usual -- and what we could do to prevent catastrophe. READ MORE»

Thursday, April 25, 2013

This is why I sometimes Pray, Lord, Help us, Jesus, Save us from some of those followers of yours.

Unfortunately, Earth Day is rarely celebrated within mainstream Christianity beyond a Sunday sermon, and environmentalism is often frowned upon by evangelical leaders instead of championed. Here are the main reasons Christians have rejected caring for our environment.

           1)     The Environmental Movement’s Political Affiliations.....

Never mind the fact that so many Evangelical Preachers endorse the Republican Candidate in just about every major election.

           2)     Evolution....
Never mind the fact that so many Evangelical Preachers endorse the Republican Party Platform that one may wonder which they call Most Holy--the Republican Party Platform or the Holy Bible.

           3)     The Victimless Crime Syndrome....

But, yet, the Religious Right were the first to argue that when a frog is dropped in boiling water they jump out right away, but drop the frog is mild water and slowly raise the temperature--the frog will get cooked.

          4)     We have Short Attention Spans...

All the while the Religious Right also preaches that their followers should be 'Eternity Minded'.

          5)     Environmentalists Who are Self-Righteous and Judgmental...

And what would any person with half a brain call the actions of the members of Westboro Baptist Church or the actions of the 'Rev' Terry Jones???

There may be a coming storm, but don't panic.

You Could Be Seeing An Image Here!

We're Worried About the Wrong Debt Crisis

Read More.

If that is indeed true, that we Americans have more and more houses going "under-water"--a.k.a. the home owner owes more than the house is worth. Then, we are risking, yet another, banking crises.

Well, I am not an economist, but the best way to handle an economic storm is with a good paying job, which may or may not be the correct thing to do. 

 In Contrast to>>

Dear Reader,

President Barack Obama has certainly had his share of controversy since taking office.

Think "Obamacare," the continuing war in Afghanistan, tax hikes, and the giant bailouts, just to name a few.

But a prominent financial journalist – based just outside of Washington, DC – says there's an even bigger Obama controversy lurking on the horizon.

In fact, this journalist says Obama's "new" controversy is going to shake up both the Democratic AND the Republican parties, big time.

And he says it will also dramatically change the way people get jobs in America, and how Americans retire.

I strongly encourage you to check out this fellow's recent analysis. He's had a remarkable track record over the past few years of predicting some of the biggest and most influential events in the U.S. economy.

And now he says Obama's "new" controversy will definitely have a major impact on your life over the next few years, no matter what your age or where you live.

We've posted this research on our website. You can check it out free of charge, here.


Lee Bellinger
After all, that kind of Fear-Mongering will solve nothing--Then again, I sincerely doubt that they are trying to solve anything, except to spread fear and hate.

If another crisis is coming, in my humble opinion, the best way to prepare for it is>>>

Let’s admit it: scouring job ads isn’t the best way to find a job. But if you must include that in your job-search strategy, don’t make these mistakes. Read more »

The demand—and pay scale—for science jobs is great. Even better? You don’t need a PhD to snag many fun and exciting science-related gigs. Read more »


Never, ever submit a resume without a cover letter. Here’s how to write an awesome one that will help you land the job you want.
Read more »

Stuck in a freelance rut? Use these ideas to grow your business and attract the clients you actually want.
Read more »

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Worst President In U.S. History, the New Low in Politics>>>>>>>

By Jodie Evans, Charles Davis, AlterNet

Kill a few, they call you a murderer. Kill tens of thousands, they give you $500 million for a granite vanity project and a glossy 30-page newspaper supplement. READ MORE»
 Even In Tragedy, A Nation Divided
The spirit of unity that enveloped us after the Boston bombing is no match for hyper-partisan American politics.
Read »

                              5 Reasons George W. Bush Is Not 'Back'
5 Reasons George W. Bush Is Not 'Back'

Whatever right-wing pundits may claim, America isn't yearning for the "good old days" of the Bush administration.

Read »

Those are some of  why I am passing on this email >>>
A half-billion dollar George W. Bush Library is being dedicated in Dallas with help from four other current or former U.S. presidents.
Protesters of this Bush Lie Bury -- this burying of a lying leader's record with a lying version of history -- believe Bush should be facing criminal prosecution instead.

Join us in urging the U.S. Department of Justice to act by clicking here.
We don't need vengeance, but deterrence.  Warrantless spying, imprisonment without trial, secret prisons, assassinations, and illegal wars didn't end with Bush's presidency -- because he's only been rewarded, never punished.

A new report last week on Bush-authorized torture has helped to reawaken awareness.  But we knew Bush tortured.  He confessed as much on television.  We don't so much need to know what was done as we need to know that those who do such things will be held accountable.*

We've tried "looking forward not back" for five years.  It hasn't worked.  Crimes in the future cannot be prosecuted in anticipation.  Only crimes in the past can be brought to account.  And only when those in power are subject to the rule of law can we avoid the catastrophes inevitably brought on by the law of rulers.
Contact the Justice Department now!
Please forward this email widely to like-minded friends.
-- The team
A half-billion dollar George W. Bush Library is being dedicated in Dallas with help from four other current or former U.S. presidents.

Protesters of this Bush Lie Bury -- this burying of a lying leader's record with a lying version of history -- believe Bush should be facing criminal prosecution instead.

Join us in urging the U.S. Department of Justice to act by clicking here.

We don't need vengeance, but deterrence.  Warrantless spying, imprisonment without trial, secret prisons, assassinations, and illegal wars didn't end with Bush's presidency -- because he's only been rewarded, never punished.

A new report last week on Bush-authorized torture has helped to reawaken awareness.  But we knew Bush tortured.  He confessed as much on television.  We don't so much need to know what was done as we need to know that those who do such things will be held accountable.*

We've tried "looking forward not back" for five years.  It hasn't worked.  Crimes in the future cannot be prosecuted in anticipation.  Only crimes in the past can be brought to account.  And only when those in power are subject to the rule of law can we avoid the catastrophes inevitably brought on by the law of rulers.

Contact the Justice Department now!

Please forward this email widely to like-minded friends.

-- The teamA half-billion dollar George W. Bush Library is being dedicated in Dallas with help from four other current or former U.S. presidents.

Protesters of this Bush Lie Bury -- this burying of a lying leader's record with a lying version of history -- believe Bush should be facing criminal prosecution instead.

Join us in urging the U.S. Department of Justice to act by clicking here.

We don't need vengeance, but deterrence.  Warrantless spying, imprisonment without trial, secret prisons, assassinations, and illegal wars didn't end with Bush's presidency -- because he's only been rewarded, never punished.

A new report last week on Bush-authorized torture has helped to reawaken awareness.  But we knew Bush tortured.  He confessed as much on television.  We don't so much need to know what was done as we need to know that those who do such things will be held accountable.*

We've tried "looking forward not back" for five years.  It hasn't worked.  Crimes in the future cannot be prosecuted in anticipation.  Only crimes in the past can be brought to account.  And only when those in power are subject to the rule of law can we avoid the catastrophes inevitably brought on by the law of rulers.

Contact the Justice Department now!

Please forward this email widely to like-minded friends.

-- The team

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fighting the Fear-Mongers with Truth.

Calling all Germans, most especially those who know history, we Americans need your help. After all, the NRA and various others have distorted German History for so long now. That separating historical fact from historical fiction has become an up hill battle. For so long now, we have heard the line from Fear-Mongers that as sure as Hitler used a 'gun grab' to seize power. Even though the Truth is here too, but those who 'Re-Write' history are louder than the voice of truth. Such as>>>

GunCite: The Myth of Nazi Gun Control

WRITTEN BY Nobel Peace Prize Winner N.A. Browne

A commonly heard argument against gun control is that the National Socialists of Germany (the Nazis) used it in their ascent to and maintenance of power. A corollary argument is sometimes made that had the Jews (and presumably the other targeted groups) been armed, they could have fought off Nazi tyranny. This tract seeks to counter these misassumptions about Nazi gun control.
Gun control, the Law on Firearms and Ammunition, was introduced to Germany in 1928 under the Weimar regime (there was no Right to Arms in the Constitution of 1919) in large part to disarm the nascent private armies, e.g. the Nazi SA (aka "the brownshirts"). The Weimar government was attempting to bring some stability to German society and politics (a classic "law and order" position). Violent extremist movements (of both the Left and Right) were actively attacking the young, and very fragile, democratic state. A government that cannot maintain some degree of public order cannot sustain its legitimacy. Nor was the German citizenry well grounded in Constitutional, republican government (as was evidenced in their choices at the ballot box). Gun control was not initiated at the behest or on behalf of the Nazis - it was in fact designed to keep them, or others of the same ilk, from executing a revolution against the lawful government. In the strictest sense, the law succeeded - the Nazis did not stage an armed coup.
The 1928 law was subsequently extended in 1938 under the Third Reich (this action being the principal point in support of the contention that the Nazis were advocates of gun control). However, the Nazis were firmly in control of Germany at the time the Weapons Law of 1938 was created. Further, this law was not passed by a legislative body, but was promulgated under the dictatorial power granted Hitler in 1933. Obviously, the Nazis did not need gun control to attain power as they already (in 1938) possessed supreme and unlimited power in Germany. The only feasible argument that gun control favored the Nazis would be that the 1928 law deprived private armies of a means to defeat them. The basic flaw with this argument is that the Nazis did not seize power by force of arms, but through their success at the ballot box (and the political cunning of Hitler himself). Secondary considerations that arise are that gun ownership was not that widespread to begin with, and, even imagining such ubiquity the German people, Jews in particular, were not predisposed to violent resistance to their government.
The Third Reich did not need gun control (in 1938 or at any time thereafter) to maintain their power. The success of Nazi programs (restoring the economy, dispelling socio-political chaos) and the misappropriation of justice by the apparatus of terror (the Gestapo) assured the compliance of the German people. Arguing otherwise assumes a resistance to Nazi rule that did not exist. Further, supposing the existance of an armed resistance also requires the acceptance that the German people would have rallied to the rebellion. This argument requires a total suspension of disbelief given everything we know about 1930s Germany. Why then did the Nazis introduce this program? As with most of their actions (including the formation of the Third Reich itself), they desired to effect a facade of legalism around the exercise of naked power. It is unreasonable to treat this as a normal part of lawful governance, as the rule of law had been entirely demolished in the Third Reich. Any direct quotations, of which there are several, that pronounce some beneficence to the Weapons Law should be considered in the same manner as all other Nazi pronouncements - absolute lies. (See Bogus Gun Control Quotes and endnote [1].)  READ MORE!

Gun politics in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of firearms restrictions in Germany

Restrictions imposed by the treaty of Versailles

From 1918-1920, with the defeat of Germany in WWI, the nation was forced to accept a series of devastating reparations after the signing the Treaty of Versailles. The defeated Weimar government agreed to payments it did not have the ability to pay that would eventually lead to the 1920s inflationary depression. The treaty signed had stipulations to disarm the government. Fearing instability to hold the state together in the depression, they adopted a sweeping series of gun confiscation legislation against the citizens before they completely disarmed their military. Intended to prevent a conflict between the states, Article 169 of the Treaty of Versailles explicitly targeted the state: "Within two months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, German arms, munitions, and war material, including anti-aircraft material, existing in Germany in excess of the quantities allowed, must be surrendered to the Governments of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to be destroyed or rendered useless."[1]
In 1919, the German government passed the Regulations on Weapons Ownership, which declared that "all firearms, as well as all kinds of firearms ammunition, are to be surrendered immediately."[2] Under the regulations, anyone found in possession of a firearm or ammunition was subject to five years' imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 marks.
On August 7, 1920, Rising fears whether or not Germany could have rebellions prompted the government to enact a second gun-regulation law called the Law on the Disarmament of the People. It put into effect the provisions of the Versailles Treaty in regard to the limit on military-type weapons.
In 1928, after a near decade of hyperinflation destroyed the structural fabric of the society, a rapidly expanding three-way political divide between the conservatives, National Socialists, and Communists prompted the rapidly declining conservative majority to enact the Law on Firearms and Ammunition. This law relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm licensing scheme. Under this scheme, Germans could possess firearms, but they were required to have separate permits to do the following: own or sell firearms, carry firearms (including handguns), manufacture firearms, and professionally deal in firearms and ammunition. This law explicitly revoked the 1919 Regulations on Weapons Ownership, which had banned all firearms possession.
Stephen Halbrook writes about the German gun restriction laws in the 1919-1928 period, "Within a decade, Germany had gone from a brutal firearms seizure policy which, in times of unrest, entailed selective yet immediate execution for mere possession of a firearm, to a modern, comprehensive gun control law."[3]

So my fellow Americans there is a petition to sign and share>>>>

Steve Sanetti & the NSSF: Support Comprehensive Background Checks - Please Sign

Angelika --
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, located in Newtown, CT, is the number-two gun lobby in the U.S. Even after the devastating loss of innocent life right in their own town, this organization refuses to support federal universal background checks.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Well, Today is indeed Earth Day. Today we remember that the way we leave the planet, is the way our children and grandchildren will receive it.

Greenpeace: Syngenta Pesticides Kill Bees

Greenpeace Switzerland  

syngenta Greenpeace Switzerland scaled Syngenta's headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, and dropped a large banner proclaiming "Syngenta Pesticides Kill Bees"...Read More.

And better yet, Take Action!

Ban Insecticides That Destroy Wild Bee Populations ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher - -
Recent evidence shows the the United States' bee populations are in a nationwide decline. This directly results in a decline in the nation's supply of fruits and vegetables, as well as the diversity of the food supply as a whole...Read More.

And If there are any questions about how much work the bees do for Humans, please go to>>>
List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia, the free ...
  1. Plants that require insect pollination to produce seeds do not necessarily require pollination to grow from seed ... Pollination; Bees; Crops; Agriculturally ...

In addition, for your consideration>>>

Experts Warn: Carbon Bubble Could Worsen Global Economic Crisis


The world could be heading for another major economic shock as stock markets inflate an investment bubble in fossil fuels to the tune of trillions of dollars, according...Read More.

Tim DeChristopher's Peaceful Uprising

Cal - -
At a time when the debate over climate change is finally gaining post-election traction and hot topics such as fracking and the Keystone XL pipeline have captured public attention, the documentary Bidder 70 is poised to showcase a movement that has steadily....Read More.

Which leads to Cher's petition and why it is indeed worth signing and sharing.

Stop Fracking Now ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher - -
The process is inherently dangerous and a ban on fracking is the only way to protect our water, our air, and our communities. Please sign the petition now and help Stop Fracking Now.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Today, the Day Before Earth Day

Study: $6 Trillion "Carbon Bubble" Will Burn Investors and Planet Earth

Kit --
World's estimated fossil fuel reserves must remain underground if the global community hopes to avoid 'climate catastrophe'....Read More.
Yes, This Is Our Home, which We Had better start taking better care of.  So far, it looks like Planet Earth is our one and only home.
In addition, there are even more reasons Not To get ever drop of oil and ounce of coal and natural gas out of the ground. Fracking is not worth it!!

You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard

Cal - -
Residents in industry-friendly West Virginia share their experiences, photos and videos... Read More if not again.

Yes, We do have to yell and scream how bad 'Fracking' is, since there are too many people being paid not to hear. We have to be heard over the barrier of paid for deafness.

Which means that there is indeed a petition in need of more signatures>>>>

Sign the Petition: No Tarsands Near Freshwater

Judy --
Tell President Obama, Secretary John Kerry, Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman and TransCanada: No tarsands near freshwater -- stop Keystone XL