We're Worried About the Wrong Debt Crisis
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If that is indeed true, that we Americans have more and more houses going "under-water"--a.k.a. the home owner owes more than the house is worth. Then, we are risking, yet another, banking crises.
Well, I am not an economist, but the best way to handle an economic storm is with a good paying job, which may or may not be the correct thing to do.
In Contrast to>>
Dear Reader,After all, that kind of Fear-Mongering will solve nothing--Then again, I sincerely doubt that they are trying to solve anything, except to spread fear and hate.
President Barack Obama has certainly had his share of controversy since taking office.
Think "Obamacare," the continuing war in Afghanistan, tax hikes, and the giant bailouts, just to name a few.
But a prominent financial journalist – based just outside of Washington, DC – says there's an even bigger Obama controversy lurking on the horizon.
In fact, this journalist says Obama's "new" controversy is going to shake up both the Democratic AND the Republican parties, big time.
And he says it will also dramatically change the way people get jobs in America, and how Americans retire.
I strongly encourage you to check out this fellow's recent analysis. He's had a remarkable track record over the past few years of predicting some of the biggest and most influential events in the U.S. economy.
And now he says Obama's "new" controversy will definitely have a major impact on your life over the next few years, no matter what your age or where you live.
We've posted this research on our website. You can check it out free of charge, here.
If another crisis is coming, in my humble opinion, the best way to prepare for it is>>>
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