Greenpeace: Syngenta Pesticides Kill Bees
Greenpeace Switzerland
And better yet, Take Action!
Ban Insecticides That Destroy Wild Bee Populations ! PLEASE SIGN ! !
Recent evidence shows the the United States' bee populations are in a nationwide decline. This directly results in a decline in the nation's supply of fruits and vegetables, as well as the diversity of the food supply as a whole...Read More.
And If there are any questions about how much work the bees do for Humans, please go to>>>
List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia, the free ...
Plants that require insect pollination to produce seeds do not necessarily require pollination to grow from seed ... Pollination; Bees; Crops; Agriculturally
In addition, for your consideration>>>
Experts Warn: Carbon Bubble Could Worsen Global Economic Crisis
The world could be heading for another major economic shock as stock markets inflate an investment bubble in fossil fuels to the tune of trillions of dollars, according...Read More.
Tim DeChristopher's Peaceful Uprising
At a time when the debate over climate change is finally gaining post-election traction and hot topics such as fracking and the Keystone XL pipeline have captured public attention, the documentary Bidder 70 is poised to showcase a movement that has steadily....Read More.
Which leads to Cher's petition and why it is indeed worth signing and sharing.
Stop Fracking Now ! PLEASE SIGN ! !
The process is inherently dangerous and a ban on fracking is the only way to protect our water, our air, and our communities. Please sign the petition now and help Stop Fracking Now.
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