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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Oh Global Community--We Are Needed!!!!

Dear Readers--I am passing this e-mail on because the people of  MADAGASCAR needs HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I donated $6. I hope and pray that everyone who reads this would please--Oh Please do at least the same, if not more If Possible, THANK YOU>>>>>
The bubonic plague once wiped a third of the world's population — and now, Black Death is sparking one of the worst outbreaks globally in years.
Black Death has already killed 20 villagers after a sudden outbreak in Madagascar, and the Red Cross warns the island nation is at risk of a plague epidemic. Even worse, strains of the disease seem to be spreading, and may even be mutating to populate at lower elevations.
The World Health Organization needs to send help to Madagascar, and to keep this potentially deadly disease from spreading. With antibiotics, bubonic plague is now treatable — but without them, this devastating illness will cause lymph swelling, pustules, gangrene, and an agonizing death.
That's a fate no one should suffer — and a problem we can't afford to ignore. Please, join us in calling on WHO to start beating this plague virus back, treating victims and keeping it from spreading!
PETITION TO THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Don't ignore the bubonic plague outbreak in Madagascar. Help the Red Cross keep it from being an epidemic, sending medicine and stopping it from spreading the other nations.
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