Dear Readers, I am passing this e-mail on, because Global Warming is too important not to be part of the Presidential Debates. We the People of the United States Need and Must know where Both Candidates Stand on Environmental Issues, because the Environment does matter--Our Environmental Health Is Literally A Matter Of Life Or Death;
On October 3rd, PBS's Jim Lehrer will moderate a presidential debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. The topic? Domestic policy.This is a perfect opportunity to ask the candidates about global warming. So far, neither candidate has offered a comprehensive plan to combat climate change. And yet, it is one of the most important crises facing our nation, and indeed, our world.We don't need to hear another cartoonish conversation about whether climate change is real or whether the science is believable. We need to cut to the chase. The way we deal with climate pollution has a huge impact on our economy, on jobs, on innovation, on future growth.It's time to ask the candidates: What is our energy future? What's the best way to get there? How can we be more efficient with precious energy resources? How do we clean up pollution that is damaging the health of our families?Sincerely,
Dominique Browning
Dear Readers, I am passing this e-mail on, even though my Saturday is already booked, but If there is someone who does not already have any plans--Ending Fracking Would Save Our Drinking Water Supply Thus Saving Lives;
This Saturday is the Global Frackdown. Hundreds of organizations, thousands of people and communities all over the world will be standing together against fracking.
The only piece missing is you — Join in!
We'll never have more money than the oil and gas industry, but the grassroots movement against fracking is growing stronger every day. Help show our elected officials just how powerful we are by plugging in to a Global Frackdown action near you this Saturday.
RSVP, share and spread the word about the Global Frackdown — this Saturday, September 22:
Thanks for taking action,
Katy Kiefer
Activist Network Coordinator
Food & Water Watch
Co-Founder and Senior Director, Moms Clean Air Force
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