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Friday, September 7, 2012

This Afternoon Is For Yellowstone National Parkl

Dear Readers, I am passing this e-mail on because Yellowstone National Park is too important not to Save From 'Fracking' . Don't get me wrong--Yes, We Do Need Jobs and Yes, We Do Need Energy; BUT NOT AT THE COST OF OUR OLDEST AND DEAREST NATIONAL PARK!!!!!Keep Yellowstone Free from Fracking
PXP, a Houston-based oil and gas company, wants to frack 136 wells in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem—home to the largest free-roaming herd of bison left in the U.S., not to mention elk and grizzly bears. Can you imagine dirty drilling threatening the habitat and migrating pathways for this wildlife?

Let’s tell the Obama administration - don’t let them frack Yellowstone.

The good news is that the Obama administration is considering new rules for fracking on public lands.  But if we want to stop PXP from fracking in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, those rules will have to be much stronger.

Please email Secretary Salazar today and urge him to keep fracking out of the Yellowstone ecosystem.

If enough of us speak up now, we can protect Yellowstone.  After all, the Obama administration’s own advisory panel recommended that “unique and/or sensitive areas” should be kept “off limits to drilling . . .”

But the deadline for comments is this coming Monday, September 10th. So we need to act right now to keep Yellowstone wildlife free from fracking.

Unless we speak up, the oil and gas industry will continue to fight to drill anywhere they please.  And just last week, Mitt Romney proposed drastically reducing protection of America’s public lands – with an explicit goal of increasing oil and gas drilling. So it’s not just Yellowstone at stake. From Colorado’s Roan Plateau to the Delaware River Basin, they want to “frack baby frack.”

We need to protect our precious places now. So let’s urge Secretary Salazar to protect Yellowstone and stand up to the oil and gas industry.
Margie Alt
Executive Director

P.S. With Monday’s deadline approaching, we have a tight window to make our voices heard and keep fracking out of the Yellowstone ecosystem. After you take action, forward this message to five friends and ask them to make their voices heard too.

[1] SEAB Shale Gas Production Subcommittee 90 Day Report at 4 (August 11, 2011)

Isn't it just amazing how often we who have something we care about find ourselves with yet another reason to Save America From the Romney/Ryan and the Current Republican Party.

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