Republican Staffer Pleads 'No Contest' To Election Fraud Charges |
Obviously Fox News isn't interested in this attempt to steal an election. Read »
This is why we need to have every American Registered to Vote and Why every American Needs to Know What they need and to have it in their hands by election day in order to vote. If not, then to exercise their mail in ballots within the required time and to mail in their ballots in the required time.
After all, there is MORE--->
Sponsor of Pennsylvania's Voter ID Law Says 47% Shouldn't Get To Vote
Americans receiving government benefits do not deserve the right to vote, according to the Republican author of Pennsylvania's harsh new voter ID law.THIS IS WHY WE MUST SAVE THE UNITED STATES FROM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!! THEY KNOW THAT THE ONE AND ONLY WAY ROMNEY/RYAN TICKET CAN GET ELECTED IS IF THE CAN KEEP THE GOOD CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES FROM VOTING
Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-PA), told KDKA Radio on Wednesday morning that his law will only disenfranchise “lazy” people, like the ones Mitt Romney referred to in the secretly taped video of a private Florida fundraiser in May where he railed against the "47 percent" of Americans who he said don't pay federal taxes and are pathetic government aid recipients. READ MORE!
Paul Ryan Called for Ending Social Security in Speech to Ayn Rand Fans
Ryan called Romney "inarticulate" for characterizing 47 percent of Americans as moochers. How would Ryan say it better? They're "collectivists."
.When it came to light that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney regards 47 percent of the U.S. electorate as moochers for their use of government programs and tax credits, his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, ran as fast as he could from those remarks. Now, thanks to a 2005 Ryan speech that has recently come to light, Ryan may have to run from his own. READ MORE!!
The question is Who In there Right Mind would want to Give This man the power to Preside over the U.S. Senate and enforce his agenda??? Does Any one Hate Their Elders That Much To Strip Away Their Social Security??? This Is Also Why The Republican Party Proves Once Again That It Is A Lie And Deception To Call Them--PRO-LIFE--They Are ANTI-CHOICE!!!
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