TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell Your Senators: Support a Ban on Assault Weapons
Two bills to be introduced in the Senate could ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
YES!!! After all, Assault Rifles are Not Useful For Hunting at all. They were built and designed for combat--to kill as much enemy as possible as quickly as possible, preferably before any of the enemy soldiers can kill the American Soldier who was issued the Assault weapon of War.
Dear Reader, I am passing on this e-mail, because we must stand and fight against the Evil and Corruption that has taken over and now runs the Republican Party;
The House of Representatives is voting on critical legislation to help the victims of Superstorm Sandy rebuild as early as Wednesday. GOP Speaker John Boehner has delayed the $50.7 billion relief for weeks at the behest of carbon billionaire David Koch and his Tea Party allies.Your legislator is about to vote, and needs to hear from you.The petition: “Vote for the complete Rogers-Frelinghuysen Sandy relief legislation, and support investment in resilience against future climate disasters.”At the beginning of January, Boehner spiked Sandy aid, leading to outrage from Americans across the country, including Republicans like Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ). So Boehner agreed to hold a vote on an initial $9 billion aid package, which passed. Even so, there were 67 legislators — all Republicans — who voted against that bill. Extremist right-wing groups like Club for Growth and David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity have ordered Republicans not to vote for relief, claiming we can’t afford to support our fellow citizens, and attacking investments against a future of global-warming threats.Calls to those heartless Republicans — many of whom have received aid for climate disasters for their constituents — have already made a difference. Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS), voted against Sandy aid even though he represents Gulf Coast areas hit hard by Hurricane Katrina. After receiving angry calls, Palazzo visited New Jersey and New York, and realized he couldn’t let his fellow Americans down.“Now is the time for the federal government to provide immediate relief to those affected by the storm,” Palazzo said after visiting Sandy victims. “I am fully committed to providing the relief they so desperately need.”The GOP leadership is parceling out Sandy relief. Boehner is forcing a vote first on the $17 billion Hal Rogers package, then another vote for the rest of the relief, in a $33.7 billion amendment from Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ). For Sandy survivors to get the relief they need, your legislator must vote YEA for both the Rogers and Frelinghuysen legislation.Factually yours,
Brad, Jordan, Daniel, and the rest of the Forecast the Facts team
MORE INFORMATIONDavid Koch Now Taking Aim at Hurricane Sandy Victims, The Nation, 2012-12-22 who voted against Sandy relief package slammed with angry phone calls, New York Daily News, 2013-01-07 who voted against Sandy aid reverses stance after N.J. visit, Star-Ledger, 2013-01-10
THIS--THIS IS HOW AND WHY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HAS BECOME THE NEW SANHEDRIN, Which is made up of and for the benefit of the Big Business, the current Saddudes>>
The Sadducees: During the time of Christ and the New Testament era, the Sadducees were aristocrats. They tended to be wealthy and held powerful positions, including that of chief priests and high priest, and they held the majority of the 70 seats of the ruling council called the Sanhedrin. They worked hard to keep the peace by agreeing with the decisions of Rome (Israel at this time was under Roman control), and they seemed to be more concerned with politics than religion. Because they were accommodating to Rome and were the wealthy upper class, they did not relate well to the common man, nor did the common man hold them in high opinion. The common man related better to those who belonged to the party of the Pharisees. Though the Sadducees held the majority of seats in the Sanhedrin, history indicates that much of the time they had to go along with the ideas of the Pharisaic minority, because the Pharisees were popular with the masses.And the Religious Right have become the Current Pharisees--After all, how many speak of anything other than THE LAW--THE LAW--THE LAW--WHATEVER HAPPENED TO GRACE?? WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO COME AS YOU ARE TO WORSHIP??? AFTER ALL, WHERE THERE IS LIFE THERE IS HOPE--WHEN THE WORLD HAS MORE HOPE THAN THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST--THEN WE ARE IN TROUBLE. WHEN THE WORLD IS MORE TOLERANT AND FORGIVING THAN THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST--WE ARE IN TROUBLE.
Religiously, the Sadducees were more conservative in one main area of doctrine. The Pharisees gave oral tradition equal authority to the written Word of God, while the Sadducees considered only the written Word to be from God. The Sadducees preserved the authority of the written Word of God, especially the books of Moses (Genesis through Deuteronomy). While they could be commended for this, they definitely were not perfect in their doctrinal views. The following is a brief list of beliefs they held that contradict Scripture.
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