The Foul Legacy of the Tar Sands: Lakes Turned Into Cancer Sites
THIS--THIS-This is yet another reason why Fossil Fuels were a thing of the past. In this 21st Century we need 21st Century solutions to our energy needs. We can not nor should not continue to 'rape' our environment.Back in 2010, residents near the shores of Canada’s Lake Athabasca called on the government to commission an independent study about the impact of the tar sands development in northern Alberta and Saskatchewan on the environment. Lake Athabasca is located downstream from one of the major tar sands developments and residents, who had found more and more fish with deformities (including huge tumors), demanded that a system of environmental monitoring be put in place and an investigation be carried out.
On Monday, the study resulting from these concerns was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) and the verdict is clear: tar sands are bad for our health and for the environment. . . . READ MORE>>>
Nor should we deliberately hunt a predictor to extinction. We need to learn from Australia's mistake of days gone by, when they hunted the dingo into extinction out of pure ignorance and now they face an ever increasing kangaroo population and must begin to hunt kangaroos. What was done can not be undone--but to look over there and say, Yes, we can too--IS PURE IGNORANCE--GREED AND SELFISHNESS.
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