Dear Reader, I am passing on this e-mail, because This--This is why the nra's fear-mongering and hypocrisy must be STOPPED;
The NRA likes to say that it's
people -- not guns -- that kill people. They also like to blame
Hollywood and video game violence for unacceptable number of firearm
fatalities and mass shootings in the United States.
But we know they don't really care about desensitizing children and preventing gun violence -- and here's more proof. The NRA has released an "educational" first-person shooter game for iPhone and iPad marketed to children as young as twelve.
The targets in the game aren't people, but they look suspiciously like
coffins with red bullseyes where the heart and head would be. NRA: Practice Range also includes virtual assault rifles for purchase.
I'm sorry, but how are 99-cent virtual M-11s in a first-person shooter games for twelve-year-olds even remotely appropriate, especially so soon after the Newtown shooting?
We know the NRA isn't going to back off its dream to get a gun
in the hand of every American, but we can expect better from Apple. Tell Apple CEO Tim Cook to pull NRA: Practice Range and scrap any other "educational" killing games.
Thank you for taking action,
Emily V.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team |
Dear Reader, in addition, I am also passing this on;
The NRA has gone off the deep end. The same week that President Obama announced bold actions to combat gun violence, the
NRA launched an offensive and totally inappropriate video featuring the president's daughters, Sasha and Malia.
Targeting the president's children is not only unacceptable, it's beyond the pale. But it's just par for the course for an
increasingly paranoid and apocalyptic organization that purports to represent every-day gun owners but is merely a tool of
gun manufacturers and arms traffickers.1
The NRA's behavior should make it a toxic presence on Capitol Hill. But dozens of senators in Congress are on the NRA "A-Team."2
These senators who have an "A" rating from the NRA have in the past have been proud to associate themselves with a ruthless
lobbying operation that has blocked every attempt to pass sensible regulation in the past decade.3
It's time for the NRA's A-Team in the Senate to either refute or take responsibility for the NRA's extremist demands. They've
helped the NRA protect the rights of people on the U.S. terrorism watch list to be able to obtain weapons4 and
also blocked ratification of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty5. Will they stand up for the NRA's repulsive ad featuring
the president's daughters?
The ad makes a scurrilous comparison between the armed security that the First Family receive and the president's failure
to endorse the NRA's proposal to put armed guards in every U.S. school. And they are exploiting the president's daughters
to make their case for putting more guns in schools rather than taking military-style weapons out of civilian hands.
The senators who do the dirty work of the NRA in Congress need to know that standing by the NRA and its disgusting attack
on the president's family is unacceptable and unbecoming of a member of the United States Senate.
Creating a new police force for schools is a dangerous and expensive idea. The culture of guns in America is out of control
and spiraling toward more tragic events like Sandy Hook. The answer is sensible gun regulation, not arming teachers.
We can begin to solve this problem by relegating the NRA — the cheerleader for gun manufacturers — to persona
non-grata in the halls of Congress. And we do that by demanding that our representatives on Congress denounce the NRA for
extreme behavior like this attack on the president's daughters.
1. Lee Fang, "Does the NRA Represent Gun Manufacturers
or Gun Owners?" The Nation, 12-14-12.
2. Aaron Blake, "Where the Senate stands on guns
— in one chart." Washington Post, December 17, 2012.
3. Ed Pilkington, "NRA: 10 ways it has weakened
gun-control laws in the US." The Guardian, 04-13-12.
4. William Brangham, "On terrorist watch list,
but allowed to buy guns." PBS, 04-28-11.
5. Aviva Shen, "U.N. To Reconsider Arms Trade Treaty
Blocked By NRA Conspiracy Theories." ThinkProgress, December 25, 2012.
Leave it to the nra to attempt to use the President's children against him--I guess I should not be surprised anyone who gets their 'manhood' by the gun that he/she carries, would also hide behind children too.
Dear Reader--I am passing on this e-mail, so that each and every American can contact their Congressional Rep to support Presidents Obama/ Reagan;
send an email to your member of the House of Representatives, telling
him or her to pass the gun safety proposals outlined by President Obama.
Earlier today, President Obama announced a series of executive orders on
gun safety. However, the most important changes we can make to improve
gun safety in America can only come with congressional action. These
- Universal background checks whenever someone buys a gun, whether it is from a licensed dealer or a private seller;
- Restoring the ban on military-style assault weapons, and a 10 round limit for magazines;
- Improving access to mental health services;
- Increasing funding for school security and safety
As President Obama himself said, "this will not happen unless the American people demand it." That means you.
Tell Congress: Pass the gun safety proposals outlined by President Obama.
The gun lobby has stood in the way of enacting common sense measures for
too long. We finally have a chance to make a difference, but we need to
help members of Congress find their spines.
Ask your representatives if they prefer getting an A rating from the gun
lobby, or giving parents peace of mind when they drop their kids off
for first grade.
I know my answer, I think I know yours, but make sure you know where your member of Congress stands.
Click here to remind Congress that they work for the American people, and not the NRA.
Keep fighting,
Michael Miller, Daily Kos
P.S. Please help keep Daily Kos strong by chipping in $3. P.PS.--I confess that I got this e-mail yesterday.
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