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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12--The Beginning of the End of America's Middle Class--Thus the End of the United States as World Leader.

Michigan weakens union rights in home of auto industry 
Thousands of protesters gather for a rally on the State Capitol grounds in Lansing, Mich., Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. The crowd is protesting right-to-work legislation that was passed by the state legislature last week.  Michigan will become the 24th right-to-work state, banning requirements that nonunion employees pay unions for negotiating contracts and other services. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)LANSING, Michigan (Reuters) - Michigan enacted a ban on mandatory union membership on Tuesday, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in … More »

This Is Terrible News For The American Economy. After all, The True Backbone of Society Is The Middle Class--To Weaken The Middle Class Is To Weaken Society--Look At The Third World--Where there is only the few Very Rich and the Many Very Poor--Look and See How Well THAT Works For Them-NOT!!!!

This is why>>>>
Alex Kane, AlterNet
A group of prominent and wealthy Americans is calling for a rise in the estate tax. READ MORE»
After all, what is the point of making the best products, most effectively and efficiently, if no one can afford to buy them. All that happens then is that they get stored away in some warehouse or go on sale for less money, either way business losses--This Is Why Business Needs A Strong Middle Class--Even Though They Tend To Forget That Their Employees Are Other Businesses Customers.

Obama, Boehner talk and exchange new offers on "fiscal cliff" 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Negotiations to avert the "fiscal cliff" ahead of a year-end deadline intensified as President Barack Obama and U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner spoke by phone on Tuesday after exchanging … More »
THANK GOD--They are talking--that is a good sign that maybe-just maybe they can reach an agreement.

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