Oil and Gas Industry Prepare Smear Campaign Against New Matt Damon Flick "Promised Land"
READ MORE!!!Here's what has the industry so spooked.
Please read, why and who doesn't want you to go to this movie and then, please do consider watching this movie, as I am planning to go see it with hopefully one or both my sons.
TAKE ACTION NOW! Stop the Demolition of 700 Mountains in China
One of China's biggest construciton companies, Pacific Construction Group, is carrying out the $3.52 billion project that will decimate 500 square miles of mountainous territory to make room for a new urban development READ MORE!!!
Reduce Air Pollution and Save Lives ! PLEASE SIGN ! !
We are on the cusp of cementing a
significant reform to the Clean Air Act. The update, which was proposed
by the EPA, would place tighter restrictions on fine particulate matter,
otherwise known as soot. If adopted, the new Soot Standard would
200-Plus Groups Urge Griljava for Next Interior Secretary
Congressman Grijalva's a visionary leader with the courage and practical skills to solve the long list of pressing environmental issues we face," said KierĂ¡n Suckling, the Center's executive director. "There's no better person for interior secretary than. . . READ MORE!!!
There is so much action that is needed that there is no reason what-so-ever for any of us to sit home feeling sorry for ourselves. After all, the more that we become involved with our world, the less time we have to feel sorry for ourselves or any other negative emotion.
Most importantly, we can make this a better world for future generations. We can communicate, each and everyone of us can be heard all around the world. We have no more excuses--so we might as well get busy.
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