Dear Readers, I am passing on this e-mail because it is too important not to pass on. After all, This is the only way to Get Walmart's attention along with the NRA's who seem to be bound and determine that we Americans kill ourselves off with the Second Amendment;
Yes, Please Do Tell These Good People How the Phone Call Went--I know I will.
In the two weeks since the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT, more than 82,000 members have called on Walmart to stop selling automatic weapons. Walmart executives, the NRA, and others in the arms industry are hoping all this outrage will just blow over. But military-grade weapons keep taking lives.On Christmas Eve, a gunman in Rochester set his car on fire in order to lure firefighters to his house. When they arrived he opened fire with a Bushmaster .223 -- the same gun used in Newtown -- killing two first responders.Now public opinion is at a tipping point, and even staunch gun-rights advocates like West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (who has an A rating from the NRA) are saying its time to get assault rifles off our streets. Walmart’s competitor, Dick’s Sporting Goods announced last week that it would stop selling the Bushmaster AR-15. Walmart already pulled the Bushmaster rifle used Sandy Hook from its online store, so we know the company is responding to public pressure. But Walmart continues to stock deadly semi-automatic assault rifles.This is the moment to force Walmart to make a choice: will it stand with the NRA and say the solution to gun violence is more guns? Or will it join the religious leaders, law enforcement officers, teachers, and ordinary citizen-consumers like you and me and say it’s time to get assault rifles off our streets?Let's call them and ask.Can you call Walmart and tell it to take deadly assault rifles off the shelves?
- Call Walmart's corporate HQ at 479-273-4000
- Tell the operator you're calling with a comment about Walmart's sale of firearms. You'll probably be directed to a "high-priority customer service associate," and be put on hold for a few minutes (if it takes longer, it probably means lots of us are calling and we're having an impact!)
- When you get someone on the phone, give your statement. Feel free to offer your own personal comments or just read off our sample statement.
Once you’ve called, please tell us how the call went. We want to track how Walmart is responding to our calls -- it could give us important insights into how we can put pressure on them!The fact of the matter is that in America today, almost anyone can just walk into a Walmart and buy a gun that was specifically built to kill dozens of people at once. And while Walmart and other gun retailers rake in the profits, the United States has 20 times as many gun-related murders as the average developed nation.Walmart can help stop this carnage by taking the deadliest firearms off its shelves. The community has come together in unprecedented ways to press Walmart to get these guns off the shelves. Now it's time to really turn up the heat, and show Walmart we're not backing down.Thanks for your supportTaren, Rob, Kaytee, and the teamP.S. Lots of us delivered letters to Walmart store managers earlier this week calling for an end to assault weapons sales. If you want to take this fight to the next level and you can drop by a Walmart in the next few days click here to download our letter. And if you’ve already delivered a letter and haven’t let us know, click here to let us know how it went.
Yes, Please Do Tell These Good People How the Phone Call Went--I know I will.
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