Now, IF Only we can Educate Our Governor Kasich on these Facts and others that prove the practice of 'Fracking' must be stopped(period)By Tara Lohan, AlteNetThe bad news just keeps on coming. READ MORE»
Which is why>>>> WE NEED TO . . .
Encourage Planting of Trees in Oregon Metro Areas ! PLEASE SIGN ! !
Encourage support for volunteer-driven planting of trees in Oregon metro areas.
Cows Dropping Dead, Farmers Getting Sick: How Fracking Is Threatening Our Food
As the largest private landholders in shale areas across the nation, farmers are being approached by companies eager to extract oil and gas from beneath their properties. Already, some are regretting it.
Support the Water for the World Act ( S.624) ! PLEASE SIGN ! !
780 million people in the world do not have access to clean water, that is two and a half times the size of the United States. The water or the world act is one of the most influence pieces of legislation presented to congress due to the severity
Which is also why it is so very very Foolish to waste what fresh water we have on the practice of 'Fracking'.
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