THIS Reminds me of the letter that I received in my late Father's name--The Ohio Republican Party sent a fund raising letter claiming that they need to raise funds because the Democrats have already started their Campaign against Gov. Kasich---EVEN THOUGH THIS WAS THE ONE AND ONLY CAMPAIGN LITERATURE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED CONCERNING THE 2014 OHIO GOVERNOR'S RACE. To me, it sounds like the same old song and dance that the KKK use to do--use the excuse of the fear of a 'Race War' to just about start a 'Race War'---in this case, The Ohio Republican Party is using the fear of a 'Dirty Campaign' to start the 'Negative Campaign Attack ads'--The Truth of the matter is--The more voters learn about Gov. Kasich=the more reasons we will have to vote him out of office. |
To Tell the Truth, I Do Not Know What to think about the Legalization of Marijuana. After all, for every reason to vote for it, is in my opinion an equal reason to vote against it, which equals both a stalemate and a headache.
There has to be some compromise, but not always by the Democrats. After all, Yes, The Republican Party Are Seen As The Trouble Makers!!! After all, as I have written already--Where I work we are supported by the Middle Class--the more money they have to spend=the more hours we work=the more hours we work=the more money we have to spend=the more someone else works=the more money they have to spend and so on and so on and on. But to tax the Middle Class to Give to the Rich--accomplishes only estravagance and the haves and have nots which is the base of social unrest. After all, it is the Third World Countries that are where they are at, because they have No Middle Class--Which is Why We Need The Middle Class to Stay the Middle Class And Why Livable Wages Are So Vital For Our Survival and Why Unions Need To Get Strong--Because Unions Made America Strong!!!!
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