Sign TakePart's Water Bill of Rights! |
Every human being should have access to drinking water that is
clean and safe. In the United States, chemical pollutants, aging
infrastructure, and procedural inefficiencies are culminating in a water
crisis of epic proportions.
Our friends at TakePart believe that local, state, and federal governments should be working harder to properly manage our water.
For today's Daily Action, sign the Water Bill of Rights, brought to you
by TakePart and Last Call at the Oasis—a new documentary that shatters
myths behind the world's most precious resource.
Ensure a better tomorrow; add your voice to this important national conversation.-->http://www.care2.com/dailyaction/primary.html?da%5Btoday%5D=2012-04-30
Humans will always work. But that whole employee-employer thing is optional. It's time to start looking for another model.
Frank Joyce / AlterNet
The answer is YES for those who want or need to be their own boss. After all, as sure as leaders need followers--followers also need leaders.
and activists have planned direct actions and mass rallies, marches and
blockades, as well as mutual aid, concerts, and more to include many
people as possible. READ MORE
Sarah Jaffe / AlterNet
True confession time--I have never taken part in any May Day Activity--Not that I have anything against it per say--It is just that I have always been and continue to be busy with other things such as working. This year is no exception--yes, I do work tomorrow; in fact I go in a bit early--two hours early--7 p.m. to 11 p.m. or rather when the job is finished which takes an extra 15-30 min sometimes more, but I try to keep my over-time to a min. After all, I would rather go home as close to the scheduled time as possible, so that I can get some rest.
Who knows maybe one day I will and get to record it here for prosperity--Who Knows???
In addition, Let All Us Americans Truly Support Our Troops By (and Any One Else Who Can sign-Please, at least read and consider, since Not All Petitions are Inter-National-IF POSSIBLE-Please Sign)-->
Bill of Rights for Bereaved Military Families

Statistics show 1 in 4 Military Deaths are Non-Combat
Related; an unacceptable number for Military Families and for our
Country’s National Security and Defense.
Each month the Department of Defense releases historically high suicide
statistics. However, upon closer examination anyone can see it is
releasing numbers based on assumptions and incomplete death
Although the Cause and Manner of these Military Non-Combat Deaths may
differ, the similarity of inadequate Military Death Investigations and
the disrespect for the Military Deceased and Bereaved Military Families
is consistent.
Inadequate Military Death Investigations and Human Rights Violations
involving Death Investigations of U.S Military Deceased have been
documented for decades. The resulting damage from these flawed
investigations include military families being given incorrect
information relating to their loved ones death; up to and including an
incorrect official cause of death. . . . .
Go To--To Read More and/ or Sign Petition-->http://www.petition2congress.com/5213/bill-rights-bereaved-military-families/#comment-216355