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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Yes, It is About the Economy, But Not Selling Out

Contrary to right-wing propaganda, decent pay for workers helps the economy and boosts job creation

 Senator Tom Harkin, Democrat of Iowa, has introduced a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $9.80 from its present level of $7.25. Polls are showing many voters in favor, though they are confused about what it would mean for the job market. The truth is that a move would be good for a slow economy and have a positive impact on the jobs crisis. Naturally, this has led to the usual cries of opposition, largely based on the notion that raising the minimum wage hurts the very people it is supposed to help. Typical of this view is a letter to the New York Times from Michael Saltsman, a fellow at the Employment Policies Institute, a business-backed nonprofit research group (surprise!).

This is Why This Blog often passes on information on job hunting--job seeking and the like. After all, the more of us that move up to the Middle Class and the more who move out of poverty=the better for all of us, even business whether they will admit it or not.

So We Might As Well Get Down to The Business of Business. 

Graduate to Moving Faster on Your Job Hunt

As someone that was out of full-time work for nearly a year and a half not too far back, I know how difficult the job hunt can be. After getting laid off and trying out a couple of jobs that were n...

7 Grown-Up Lessons From Your Favorite Disney Movies 

 Ariel becoming human and Cinderella going from rags to riches are relatable stories, even if they’re whimsical. But as someone in the midst of a job hunt, I’ve discovered that many of my favorite Disney classics have lessons that can be applied in the professional world, too. Read more »

Whether you’re training for your first long-distance run or looking for your first job, here are six lessons to put to work. Read more »
Should you pay for a professionally designed resume? Or go the traditional, clean-cut route? Read more »
If you’ve ever had the urge to become your own boss, follow these pointers before embarking on that path. Read more »

I should have know that one day it would become a proven FACT that what is GOOD For The Environment is GOOD FOR ALL--ESPECIALLY THE WORKERS-->

It makes little sense for UMWA President Roberts to side with the coal companies on the EPA or anything else. The coal companies continue to treat workers’ lives as expendable. READ MORE

And, Yet, the Republican Party, which supports 'Big Business' calls themselves--"Pro-Life"--?!?!?!?!?!? 

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