This week on the AlterNet Radio Hour:First, Joshua Holland debriefs Slate's Dahlia Lithwick about what she saw and heard during last week's oral arguments in the historic challenge to the Affordable Care Act.Next up is Imani Gandy, whom you may know as The Angry Black Lady, brings us up to date on the Trayvon Martin case.Last but not least, AlterNet's own Sara Robinson on some talks about some of the trends that are re-shaping religious faith around the world.If you're in Washington, DC, you can tune into the show at 6 pm EST at 1480 AM. If you're anywhere else, you can stream it live at We Act Radio, and if you miss it, check back later for a podcast. Read moreBy Staff | AlterNet
So Bill Maher showed his guests the recently released footage of George Zimmerman at the police station after he murdered Trayvon Martin, which seems to dispute that Zimmerman's nose was broken, or that he was harmed in any way by Martin. And, as usual, Maher called it like he saw it: "Aren't we all convinced from that tape that this guy is a big fat fucking liar? Watch over at Mediaite. Van Jones, of, was one of his guests.Meanwhile, last night Toure appeared on Piers Morgan to spar about Morgan's interview of Zimmerman's brother, which Toure called irresponsible on Twitter and escalated into a fight. Toure was right about his point—interviewing a man as an expert who admittedly hasn't spoken to his brother in quite some time is pretty disingenuous and, frankly, cynical viewer-bait. But then the whole thing devolved into a hot mess, and the truth was clear to anyone watching: this was about two egomaniacs trying to best one another, and they managed to make an issue about the murder of an unarmed 17-year-old by an adult... about them. Disgusting. Watch if you dare (again, it's a hot mess).By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd | AlterNet
Posted on Saturday, March 31, 2012 @ 11:27 AM
April 1, 2012 -- Updated 1516 GMT (2316 HKT)For everyone who has condemned the numerous rallies demanding justice for Trayvon Martin, please listen to these two words: Shut up! . . .Rush to judgment in Trayvon Martin case
March 31, 2012 -- Updated 0029 GMT (0829 HKT)
Editor's note: William J. Bennett, a CNN contributor, is the author of "The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood." He was U.S. secretary of education from 1985 to 1988 and director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President George H.W. Bush.(CNN) -- At first glance, the death of Trayvon Martin seemed to be a straightforward example of ugly, racial conflict resulting in the killing of an innocent black teenager by a white man, George Zimmerman. But now, as evidence continues to come forward, the facts seem much more complicated and the "obvious truth" premature.
At first, it was thought that Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, was the aggressor because he followed Martin, got into a physical scuffle with him and shot him. But then, some witnesses claim that Martin attacked Zimmerman first, and the initial police report said that Zimmerman had blood on his nose and the back of his head after the incident. However, surveillance video footage that surfaced from the police station is leading to questions about the extent of Zimmerman's injuries. . . .
WATCH VIDEO AND SEE FOR YOURSELF--THIS--THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE UNITED NATIONS TO PLEASE--OH PLEASE--SEND AN OBSERVER TO OVERSEE THE Department of Justice Investigation. The Republican Party is uniting behind the Zimmerman Family, who are proven Liars. There needs and must be Justice, but with God only knows how many Republicans still working in the Justice Department and With God only knows how many relatives of George Zimmerman/ members of the Department of Justice who owe retired Magistrate Robert Zimmerman Sr. favors--WE NEED THE UNITED NATIONS AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO MAKE SURE THAT THERE REALLY AND TRULY IS JUSTICE.
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