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Sunday, April 22, 2012

On This Earth Day Sunday Morning

Pope Says American Nuns Too Focused On Poor, Not Enough On Gay Bashing


The Vatican has turned its fury toward the nation’s largest and most influential group of Catholic nuns accusing them of promoting “radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith” for questioning the church’s stance on homosexuality and male-only priesthood.
The group was also punished for focusing too much on poverty and economic justice while keeping “silent” on abortion and same-sex marriage.
The New York Times reports that the Vatican has appointed an American bishop to “rein in” the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. The sisters were also reprimanded for making public statements disagreeing with the bishops over their attacks on health care reform. . . . .

Read more:
And even more Reading--This is why I get so angry at 'Social Conservatives', who have not only-IMO-have 'hi-jacked' the Republican Party, but also many Christian Churches--Too many Christian Churches--IMO--which is the worst thing, since the Gospel of Jesus Christ was above and beyond our petty politics. After all, there were may passages where Jesus took what we would call a Liberal Stand--Such as recorded in the Gospel of John, when He asked Peter--not once, not twice, but 3x--IF you love Me then FEED my sheep/lambs (people)--IF homosexually was the absolute worst sin possible then why did not Jesus say something about it then--or could it be that homosexuality is not the worst sin possible.
Please Read the following, which are IMO proof that we need the Liberal Church needs to become strong enough to balance the Conservative Church, because both Churches are needed to see the complete picture of Jesus Christ--who was also Conservative, BUT Not Only Conservative--It Is When We Humans Get Out Of Balance that We distort the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By the Way, Let Us also remember that At the Time the Holy Bible was being acted out and later written the Human population was much much smaller and there was truly a need to populate the planet, since there were many diseases that spread though out and killed many, so families were needed--families with many many children were needed. However, today, the Human population is far far from endangered--today there are ways for homosexual couples to become parents.
In addition, we also must remember that Ancient Israel (Not Modern Israel-which is a Secular Democracy) not only had Kings and a monarchy, but was also set up to be a THEOCRACY--BUT The Founding Fathers of the United States Founded A SECULAR NATION, WHICH was made up of some very religious Christians and some very non-religious people--which explains why our History is so Schizophrenic--Not because any one Founding Father had a split personality, but because no two Founding Father thought alike--They simply, but Oh So Eloquently, agreed to disagree.

Pope: Women Will Never Become Priests

Dispatches From The War On Women: Nuns The New Radical Feminists

Lilly Ledbetter On Why Equal Pay Matters [Video]

 From The War On Women: A Military Rape Scandal

Even Six-Figure Salaries Don’t Attract Men to Care Work

 In addition--> I would like to pass on this e-mail that I have received

 Here’s what is happening right now: Our current chemicals legislation, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), has not been updated since 1976. Back then, we didn’t know as much about how toxic chemicals can migrate from the materials and products in which they’re used – including furniture, plastics, and food cans – into our bodies. Our out-of-date system leaves us exposed to countless toxic chemicals every day, chemicals that put our families at risk for cancer, learning disabilities, infertility, and more. [1],[2]

The chemical industry is spending millions of dollars lobbying Congress to block a meaningful update to TSCA. We just learned that in the last few months they have spent over $2.7 million dollars on ads in places like Pennsylvania, Texas and Alaska. Last year they spent $52 million dollars lobbying Congress to block protections for your family. [3]

Today, Earth Day, is the perfect day to show that we are stronger than any corporate lobbyist with deep pockets.  Tell the U.S. Senate that you’re tired of being exposed to toxic chemicals.

*We’ll personally deliver this open letter to your Senators this spring, urging them to co-sponsor and pass the Safe Chemicals Act.

Why is toxic chemicals reform needed?

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed in 1976. Thirty-five years later, the Federal Centers for Disease Control have found that the blood or tissues of almost every American carry hundreds of these chemicals, some present even before birth. (4) Yet under the outdated TSCA, the EPA has only been able to require testing of a few hundred of the 62,000 chemicals that have been on the market since TSCA was passed 35 years ago, a number that has increased to 85,000 chemicals today.(5)

Being a parent is a tough job already. Parents have enough on their plates; we shouldn't need a degree in chemistry to pick safe toys and safe food for our children. That’s why we need comprehensive chemical reform today.

Parents are not alone in this fight for chemical reform.  Powerful voices in the health world are speaking up for an overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association, the American Public Health Association, and the American Nurses Association.(5) (7) They know that our broken chemical screening system puts our families at risk for cancer, learning disabilities, infertility, and more. And we know that when the health of our kids is at stake, there’s nothing we won’t do to keep them safe.

We can’t let deep-pocketed lobbyists win.  Please sign this important open letter today. We need to show your Senators that thousands of Americans want common sense limits on toxic chemicals.

When the health of our kids is at stake, there’s nothing we won’t do to keep them safe. Please share this link with your family and friends; the more voices we have, the stronger the message.

Happy Earth Day!

The chemical industry is spending millions of dollars lobbying Congress to stop chemical reform that will keep toxics out of toys, cookware and just about everything.  We've got to fight back!
Tell the U.S. Senate that we are sick of toxic chemicals!

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