I don't know about anyone else, but I am looking forward to ordering 2 T-shirts, One for me and one for my older son. No, not my younger son, not his style on so many levels. After all, we are a family of individuals.
Today's Action:
Stand for Equality for Students
Note from Maverick Couch:
My name is Maverick Couch, I'm a high school student in Waynesville, Ohio. Yesterday, I launched a lawsuit against my school district for refusing to let me wear my "Jesus is not a homophobe" shirt on the National Day of Silence on April 20th. My principal said the shirt was "sexual" and "indecent" and last year forced me to turn it inside out.
The National Day of Silence is an important day for LGBTQ students and our friends to stand up against homophobia, bullying and hate -- and that's what I'm trying to do with my lawsuit. I hope you will all stand up for equality by signing my petition to send a message and let me wear my shirt!
For today's Daily Action stand up with Maverick Couch and LGBTQ students everywhere. http://www.care2.com/dailyaction/primary.html?da%5Btoday%5D=2012-04-04
Memphis finally to name street after King
April 4, 2012 -- Updated 0705 GMT (1505 HKT)(CNN) -- Forty-four years after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down on the balcony of a Memphis hotel, the Tennessee city is overcoming what some call protracted guilt and embarrassment, and naming a street in his honor.STORY HIGHLIGHTS
- A 1-mile stretch of Linden Avenue will be named after the civil rights leader
- Ceremony will take place on the 44th anniversary of King's death
- It was on this street that King led a march in support of striking sanitation workers
- "We wanted something that had a real nexus to this city," says Mayor A.C. Wharton
A nearly 1-mile stretch of Linden Avenue will be renamed Dr. M.L. King Jr. Avenue on Wednesday, the anniversary of the civil rights leader's assassination.The honor has been a long time coming.More than 900 U.S. cities have streets named after King. The largest concentration is in the South, led by Georgia, which has more than 70 roads named after the Atlanta native, according to an article by Derek H. Alderman of East Carolina University in the New Georgia Encyclopedia. . . .http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/04/us/tennessee-memphis-mlk/index.html?hpt=us_c2
Yes, many cities do have streets named after the Late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. including both Cleveland and Akron, Ohio.
Van Jones on Trayvon Martin, Racial Violence and Why Obama Ignored Race Issues For Two Years
As thousands of people across the country call for justice in the case of Trayvon Martin, we’re joined by Van Jones, longtime anti-police brutality activist and co-founder of ColorOfChange.org, which aims to strengthen Black America’s political voice. He describes fearing for his own safety while wearing a hoodie and discusses the state of race relations under President Obama. "This kind of hits close to home for me. I’m an African-American father. I’ve got two little black boys," Jones says. "How am I going to protect these young guys? I mean, do you have to dress your kid in a tuxedo now to send them down the street?" Jones says the moral voice of the black community on race went silent after Obama was attacked for his response to the 2009 unlawful arrest of Harvard University Professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, Jr., and hopes the Trayvon Martin case "opens the door for the kind of grown folks’ conversation we thought he was going to be able to lead when he was a candidate—well, that he did lead when he was a candidate, that hopefully we can see now going forward."By Amy Goodman | Democracy Now!
It was 44 years ago today when The Late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated. Judging a person by the color of skin, religion, gender, gender perefference and or gender identification should have ended way back then.
This is why George Zimmerman should have been arrested. After all, IF he had listen to the Police Who told him not to follow Trayvon Martin Then They would Not have gotten into any kind of fight. Not to arrest George Zimmerman makes as much sense as allowing a person who walked into traffic to sue the person who hit him for failing to control car and not expecting someone to walk in front of them just because they (the driver) had the right of way.
Hamilton Nolan and his photographer spent a weekend hanging out with the new face of the Ku Klux Klan, where he was exposed to a poorly-rebranded version of the same old vile white supremacy.From alt-country music that's all about the Aryan nation to a warm-up comedian that goes where no shock-comic would dare go elsewhere, he wrote about what he saw:"Only 34 out of 13,000 residents are black?" he quoted. "Too many!" came the reply."Now you know why people move here!" "Haw haw!" Read more
By Sarah Seltzer | AlterNet
Get Real!! There is no such thing as a kinder and gentler form of Hate! Then again, there is the Tea Party Movement, where many Haters are hiding--Too Many Haters are Hiding. This is why this blog has been calling for the United Nations to step into the Trayvon Martin Case. Between George Zimmerman's Family connection and the number of 'racists' are hiding under the cover of 'Social Conservatism' there is sincere doubt that Justice will be served--unless there is an outside party to make sure that it does.
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