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Sunday, April 1, 2012


Zimmerman described as a 'caring person,' had run-ins with the law

George Michael Zimmerman, the man at the center of the racially charged killing of an unarmed black teen, is a former altar boy, insurance salesman and college student.
And another label has also stuck in the public's perception: frustrated cop wannabe.

Over the years, his scores of calls to police showed he pursued shoplifters and errant drivers with zeal, reporting pit bulls, potholes, children playing in the street, open garage doors and "suspicious" youths - usually black males - loitering in the street.
Read more here:

With George Zimmerman's father a retired Magistrate, his mother former Clerk of Courts, his brother a Bankruptcy Attorney, and God know how many other relatives he has in Law, Law Enforcement and other levels of the Government--be it City, State and/or Federal. This is why, after much consideration, this blog is now an open letter to the United Nations. This Is Why--There is -IMO Justifiable uncertainty that the Zimmerman Family may have very well be represented in the Department of Justice, whose members may be there acting on behalf of their family instead of Justice.  

Attention--Attention- The United Nations, Please - OH Please -  Send A Representative/Observer to Washington D.C/ Stanford, Florida to make sure that the United States Department of Justice--Civil Rights Division is truly the Civil Rights Division. After all, the Republican Party has too much to gain IF JUSTICE IS NOT SERVED under President Barrack Obama!!!!!

After all, Truth and Justice and The Preservation of the Environment of which we all need in order to be able to live and breath is the Goal of this Blog--George Zimmerman should have been arrested and should be arrested. In Addition--Since and Because we can only question him and ONLY HIM; not Trayvon Martin-THERE NEEDS AND MUST BE A POLYGRAPH TEST---NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE ABOVE THE LAW--NO ONE--NOT GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, NOT ROBERT ZIMMERMAN SR--NOT ROBERT ZIMMERMAN JR--NO ONE AT ALL!!!! AFTER ALL, THAT IS NOT JUSTICE!!!

Stop the Pebble Mine

Despite overwhelming local opposition, foreign mining giant Rio Tinto and other companies are pressing forward with plans to build a gargantuan, open-pit gold and copper mine above Alaska's Bristol Bay -- threatening the world’s greatest sock-eye salmon runs and the very last 284 beluga whales of Cook Inlet.

The vast majority of the region's Native communities and commercial fishermen are against the Pebble Mine and the billions of tons of waste it will produce. Yet the mining companies persist in bulldozing their way into Bristol Bay -- against the will of the people who depend on salmon for survival.

For today's Daily Action, take a stand against this disastrous plan and tell Rio Tinto not to build a mega-mine against the will of local citizens.---->

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