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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday Afternoon's Mix of the Good the Bad and the Greedy--BUT not necessarily in that order

Daily Kos Action: Send John Boehner a Picture of Mutant Gulf Coast Fish

Send John Boehner a picture of a mutant Gulf Coast fish.....With mutated fish devastating Gulf Coast fisheries, we are sending a picture (below) of a mutant Gulf Coast fish to Speaker John Boehner. We are including a message with the picture telling Boehner . . .
 IF the is any doubt about the safety of food then the rule of thumb should be--needs to be better to err on the side caution--when in doubt-throw it out!!!

Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act ACTION
This bill is a no-brainer. It saves taxpayers a lot of money and won't hurt an industry already raking in record profits. We just need a big show of public support to convince our Republican colleagues to do what's right for America. . . .
This is one of the things that I hate about the Republican Party--they are always finding ways to take from the Middle and Working Classes and from the poor in order to give to the rich--the 1% and 'Big Business' who already have plenty of money.

Romney's Message: Obama's Not a Real American
Forget Ted Nugent's violent rhetoric; the GOP candidate has been mainstreaming the Obama-ain't-one-of-us meme for months. . . .
What the Republican Party needs to do is to wake up and smell the coffee--the Average American does not exist! After all, all though we are each and everyone of us Americans--United States Citizens, where we were born here or whether we have immergated and became citizens or are waiting to complete the citizen process. We are all different--to have one single image is unfair and untrue to all other Americans.
And the other gripe that I have Against Ted Nugent is that he is a 'Chicken Hawk'. Now he is all gun ho about owning guns and sending young people to war--BUT--BUT, back when Ten Nugent was the young man--I have read all that he did to Dodge the Draft to AVOID fighting in the Vietnam War.

Because I hate ending on a negative note--There is the Good that this Charity does and may be rewarded for, in addition for the original reward that feeling of doing good.  :-)

Local Charity Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

 To Watch the Video please go to--> I hope and pray actually works.

CHESTERFIELD, MO ( KTVI) —It’s the largest volunteer charity in the Midwest. Wings of Hope main mission is to implement humanitarian programs for a more peaceful world. The organization was  nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize two  consecutive years in 2011 and 2012. The organization continues to work to achieve hope, healing and peace.
Wings of Hope is  a recognized international resource . Implementing poverty reduction strategies for a defined region. Making a difference in the lives of people, where there are wings there is hope! It’s the only free  medical relief and air transport program in the United States. The organization is  based in St. Louis  Missouri. Volunteers mend the hearts of the profoundly poor with medical, educational and community development programs.
Organizers say Wings of Hope do incredible work in far corners of the globe and extend a hand of human kindness to people who desperately need help. For that simple reason they believe their work truly changes the world.   The all volunteer charity works in 46 countries at 155 locations. Wings of Hope airlifts  the poorest of the poor to hospitals. Sick children and their families are given a future. Providing resources to change the future.

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