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Thursday, August 16, 2012


image00111.jpg picture by AJWHINER 
I think I forward this, but why not start the chain all over again. After all, a chain like this should not really end. This is the kind of chain that should go on and on, my friend, the chain that does not end. ;-))))) Most especially, In Memory of Shari Lewis.

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Republican state legislatures and governors from swing states such as Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan have passed voter suppression bills that target poor people and minorities.

It’s not the first time that Republicans have tried to suppress the vote -- but in an election this close, it could be the tipping point that delivers the Presidency to Mitt Romney. We need to put a stop to voter suppression across the country.

Please forward this email to 3 of your friends right now and encourage them to add their name at

You can also share this petition on Facebook and Twitter:
Thank you for your support!

After all, this looks like a fight that will be fought right up to election day, which is why each and every American NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT THEY NEED TO HAVE IN HAND TO BE ABLE TO VOTE AND TO GET IT ALL  IN THEIR HANDS BEFORE ELECTION DAY-LEST THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE BE TAKEN FROM THEM.

American Chemistry Council


A wrapper here. A bottle there. Many of us think these innocuous pieces of litter don't have a big impact. After all, someone will pick them up, right?

The cold, hard truth is that we live in a time where we're all responsible. Even if you're not even near a coastline, you'd be surprised how easy it is for your trash to get where it doesn't belong - the sea. Get empowerd with know-how and stop litter before it starts.
Jennifer Berry Signature
IF You don't already Recycle please do. IF You do not have the Option to Recycle then please start a Recycling Program--IF YOU ALREADY RECYCLE LIKE I DO--THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU!!!!

Oh, Ohio, We do need to get off coal and other fossil fuels. There are alternative energies which also provide jobs. If there are not enough job in the current alternative energies that only means that we need to come up with even more alternative energies. After all, fossil fuel is so 20th Century and let us face fact Coal Mining Is Too Dangerous to be Worth it.

Take Action!

Clicking here will automatically add your name to this petition to President Obama and Obama for America:
"It is both misleading and cynical to claim that President Obama is more pro-coal than Mitt Romney. President Obama, please urge your campaign to pull this ad, and be a leader toward a better way forward than dirty coal."
Automatically add your name:
Take action now!

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