prescription painkillers are necessary, but they aren't the only
option. Try these pill-free solutions for pain relief . . . Read more.
Personally I have been Blessed not to suffer much from pain, but I understand and respect the fact that not everyone can say that. After all, even though I may or may not have arthritis in the toes, as long as I have good shoes on or am careful where I step barefooted; I am fine. If anyone reads this who suffers from chronic pain or knows someone who suffers from chronic pain--I do hope passing this on does help.
I don't know about anyone else; but, yes, I do have more weight that I should be losing. I belong to a gym and need to get there more often. But, When I do get to the gym--when I work out I work out, most especially cardio wise--a.k.a. burn off the calories/ sweat it off.
Stress, something most if not all adults face and/or deal with day in and day out. Another way that we are all in this life--Together. One of the biggest stresses we face are bills/financial/job related from working too few hours, such as myself to unemployment to dead end jobs; among many other scenarios. After all, one thing that I am not is all knowing and all seeing--I do have much to learn and continue to study.
Speaking of Finances and the Economy and Jobs--->
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And, Yet, Our biggest Health hazard remains HATE AND INTOLERANCE!
Witnesses fear that their community was targeted in a hate crime. READ MORE»
Hate and Intolerance are Evil because all too often that they both end in Death and Destruction-THIS IS WHERE THE BLAME FALLS ON CHRISTIAN EXTREMIST WHO ACT AS IT IT IS THERE JOB TO SEE THAT EVER KNEE BOWS AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS IS LORD OR ELSE!!! OR ELSE!!! --which is why we need Tolerance, Love, Compassion and above all, learn to agree to disagree, most especially about matters of Religion. We all have our own points of view, which we are and should be Free to Believe, That is as long as Those Beliefs do not harm anyone in this life time.
Stuck with a lackluster candidate, Tea Partiers focus their rage on the president. READ MORE»
RIGHT-WING CHRISTIAN EXTREMIST THE BLAME FOR STIRRING UP THE HATE IS YOURS--IF YOUR JESUS IS LOVE--THEN STOP PROVING THE HATE. IF YOUR JESUS IS TRUTH--STOP PROVING THE LIES AND DECEPTIONS--A.K.A. The claim that ObamaCare also funds Contraception is some how against Freedom of Religion--Get Real--It is Against Religions Freedom to Dictate and Run the lives of the followers--AS IF Giving a person Freedom to Chose Contraception or Not is Evil--DOES THIS MEAN THAT YOUR GOD IS EVIL TOO--After all, Is Not Free Will A Gift From God?!?!?!?!?!
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