Protect federal nutrition programs for children |
I AM TAKING ACTIONRight now 1 in 5 kids in America are at risk of hunger. There are federal nutrition programs exist to provide kids with the food they need to be healthy, happy and live up to their full potential. But some of those programs are now at risk.
If Congress cuts funding for poverty relieving programs like SNAP, it will affect millions of children and families, leaving them even more vulnerable to hunger. SNAP is vital for making sure kids all across America have access to the health, nutritious food they need to thrive - no matter what hard times or road bumps their families encounter.
For today's Daily Action, let Congress know that we can't afford to cut SNAP and leave our children hungry!
The sad truth is at this posting, This petition has only 3,000 some odd signatures, we need to multiply that by at least 3x or better yet, 4x or 5x that.
And, Also, For you consideration-->
Celebrate a Huge Win for Jaguars |
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last Friday formally proposed to protect 838,232 acres -- an area larger than the state of Rhode Island -- as “critical habitat” for endangered jaguars in southern Arizona and New Mexico. For today's Secondary Action, see how 14,500 Care2 members helped make these critical protections a reality!
Take Action >>
THANK YOU. That is 14,500 and growing.
I and not Sherrod's Communications Director, just a life long citizen of the State of Ohio--I am passing on this e-mail, because the truth must get out, without Conservative PAC money sweeping it under the rug or stealing this election:
I’m Sherrod’s Communications Director, and it takes a lot to faze me. In my career, I've heard candidates say some pretty bizarre things.
But I have to say, our Republican opponent, Josh Mandel, has taken dishonesty to a new level.
And for his efforts, Josh Mandel has been crowned King of all Liars here in Ohio.
My job is to get the truth out. But that’s not easy when you have an opponent who simply doesn’t care how false his attacks are or how often he’s called out on them. And it gets even harder when he and his backers can spend $16.5 million trying to turn those lies into something that sounds true.
Only you can help Sherrod fight back with the truth. We've set a $500,000 goal for the month of August. Contribute $10 or more today to help us get there.
Josh Mandel simply won’t tell the truth about his brief stint as Treasurer -- touting a dubious award from a practically defunct conservative group doled out years before taking office, and taking a bow for a credit rating Ohio’s held since he was in high school.
And in his first year of office, he missed every meeting of the Ohio Board of Deposit, which the people of Ohio elected him to chair.
Josh Mandel also tried to claim that Sherrod was somehow responsible for Ohio jobs moving to China -- a claim that the Cleveland Plain Dealer called "demonstrably absurd."
When confronted to provide evidence of a single Ohio job Sherrod supposedly sent to China, Mandel basically said it wasn't his responsibility to back up his claims, and that he'd repeat the lie "again and again." Which, apparently, is the one thing he isn’t lying about.
You just can’t trust what you hear from Josh Mandel or the right-wing special interest groups propping him up this year. Help Team Brown fight the lies. We're still $312,307 away from our August goal of $500,000. Give $5, $10, or whatever you can afford to help us get there.
Thank you for keeping in touch with us, and thanks for everything you’ve done to keep Sherrod and our campaign fighting back against the lies with the most potent weapon we have -- grassroots-powered truth.
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