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Monday, August 27, 2012

This Monday is Dedicated to the Environment

To tackle climate change, we need more honest accounting of this potent greenhouse gas. READ MORE»

This is why we need to do more recycling and find ways of making less garbage. This problem is of our making, therefore it is our responsibility.  

After all, If we do not more and more coastal cities will pay the price of rising oceans--> 

Virginia has no state policy on climate change. But on the coast – where rising seas threaten military bases, ports, homes and beaches – flooding is on everyone's mind. READ MORE»


Ecology Center supports Renewable Energy Standard

The Ecology Center has launched an effort to mobilize supporters and encourage adoption of the proposal to increase Michigan's renewable energy standard (RES) to 25 percent by 2025. The initiative received approval from the Michigan board of canvassers earlier this month to be placed on the Nov. 6 ballot....

Fall event to feature speaker on healthier communities

Richard Jackson, a scholar whose work has reached a wider audience through his role as author, host and narrator of the Public Broadcasting Service series Designing Healthy Communities, will be the featured speaker at the Ecology Center’s annual fall event October 4....

 Dear Readers, I am also passing on;
Thanks again for taking action and adding your name to our petition declaring the Arctic a global sanctuary.

Once we reach a million total signatures, we’re going to take your name, put it on a flag with the other names and place it at the bottom of the sea at the North Pole. But it’s going to take all of us working together to make that happen and protect the Arctic for all humanity.

That’s why we’ve created a game online where you can join together with people around the world to help save the Arctic. It’s called the Arctic Rising and I encourage you to check it out.

The idea is simple: You join one of five groups working to save the Arctic and then do everything you can to spread the word. There are prizes for the top people and all sorts of other fun things along the way. I think you’ll like it.

Join the Arctic Rising today and get started saving one of the last great wildernesses on earth.

The Arctic is under threat from all sides – climate change, oil drilling, overfishing, military build-up – and nothing less than the creation of a global sanctuary is going to save it.

I don’t just believe this is possible. I know it. Greenpeace achieved the very same thing back in the 1980’s when we won the creation of a global commons in Antarctica. Now this is our time.

Be part of the Arctic Rising, recruit your friends, spread the world and be part of saving the Arctic.

Thanks for all you do.

Dan Howells
              Greenpeace Deputy Campaigns Director 


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