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Clicking here will automatically add your name to this petition to Ohio Governor John Kasich :
"Fracking poses a serious threat to the health and safety of Ohioans. Stop putting the fracking industry before Ohioans' health and stop your dangerous rush to drill."
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Dear Reader, I am passing on this e-mail because it is far too important not to. By the way, the reasons that I cut yesterday's post short were a combination of going to the President Obama rally and getting called into work and a late night computer crash.
Here's the news that's shaking Ohio: in June, Governor Kasich's Ohio Department of Natural Resources authorized a record-breaking 36 new horizontal drilling permits for the fracking industry.1
As has been made all too clear in states like Pennsylvania and Wyoming, widespread fracking will irreversibly transform Ohio. It will bring flammable tap water, open wastewater pits, and a massive network of drilling rigs, pipelines, and compressor stations pumping out carcinogenic air emissions, and inevitable toxic spills.
We can't let this dangerous rush to drill move ahead unchallenged.
With Governor Kasich's approval ratings dipping below 40 percent, it's clear he's sensitive to grassroots pressure. We need a powerful response to call him out for putting the gas industry ahead of Ohioans' safety, and get him to halt the rash of fracking permit approvals.
It's no surprise Governor Kasich and the legislature are throwing caution to the wind and moving full speed ahead with dangerous fracking: the industry has showered Ohio's elected officials with $2.8 million in campaign contributions.2 Governor Kasich alone has accepted more than $200,000 from Big Gas.
All that cash helped pass one of the worst fracking regulations in the country — Senate Bill 315, which Governor Kasich shepherded through the General Assembly and signed in May. The bill lets the industry hide the dangerous fracking chemicals companies pump into the ground, includes massive tax handouts, and locks the public out of every step of the permitting process.3 It even stops doctors from telling first responders and other health care providers which toxic chemicals the fracking industry uses.4
That's simply unacceptable. Ohio deserves a governor who will put the safety of Ohioans first, not give frackers free rein to engineer a public health catastrophe in the Buckeye State.
Please join the thousands of Ohioans who are taking action to defend their land, water, and air from Big Gas. Click below to automatically sign the petition: