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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday's Post Giving Support to Where It is Needed

today's action Tell Congress to Give Equal Medical Coverage to Military Women

Our government provides insurance coverage for abortions in cases of rape and incest for civilian women, like federal employees -- but that same coverage is denied to women in the military and military dependents.

It's not right, and it's not fair.

More than 400,000 women serve in the armed forces and put their safety and lives at risk to preserve and protect our freedom. Yet these women are denied access to the same health care available to the civilians they protect. The Shaheen Amendment would address this inequity, but it needs our support to move forward.

For today's Daily Action, write to your members of Congress and ask them to give military women the same medical coverage they give to other federal employees.

             I AM TAKING ACTION!!!!

As an American Woman who served in the U.S. Army Reserve from 1980-1992. I remember how much support the service men got, but somehow we Women did not deserve it, which can be demoralizing to the service women. Thankfully, I served during peace time. The Truth of the matter is, agree or disagree with the War or Wars, but do please Support ALL Our Troops, Not Just a few--Not Just the White, Anglo-Saxon, Heterosexual Christian Males, who make up a very small minority of our troops, ALL OUR TROOPS DESERVE OUR SUPPORT.

 Dear Readers, I am passing this e-mail on because Sesame Street and many other PBS Shows were there when my sons were growing up. I remember them watching Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow, which always resulted in a trip to the library or libraries, if the book was not there and was wanted to much to wait, so instead of us waiting for the book to come to the library, we drove to where the book was, but looking back--it was worth it, very much worth it indeed. So Let Us Continue To Support PBS for this generation and future generations;
 What did Big Bird ever do to Mitt Romney?

For two years, Republicans have been pushing this crazy idea that Public Broadcasting is the cause of all our nation’s problems. It’s ridiculous.

Let’s tell Mitt and the Republicans in Congress that their failed policies of the past caused the deficit, not PBS!

Join Team Big Bird: Help us reach 100,000 strong standing up for Public Broadcasting >>

If Mitt Romney had his way, Sesame Street would be toast. And it wouldn’t solve anything.

Add your name to stick up for Public Broadcasting:



Kristie Mark
DCCC Chief Operating officer

Paul Ryan Wants To Make America A ‘Tax Shelter' To Watch Video go to-->

 Who stands up for those Americans who have to worry about which country will be the cheapest to outsource to? Who speaks for those patriots who can only afford one lobbyist for their beach houses? Who represents the top .0001 percent who must deal with the uncertainty that they may lose the tax credit on their private jet?
Paul Ryan (R-WI). That’s who.
Paul Ryan has always been a voice for the Americans who already have the loudest voice. When 9/11 rocked America, he knew that the only solution was a massive cut in taxes on dividends and capital gains. When the war in Afghanistan became the longest conflict in American history, he knew that the only solution was to cut taxes on the rich even more and ask future seniors to pay more for Medicare.
And when moguls like Mitt Romney have to search abroad for places to store millions tax-free, Paul Ryan has the answer. In another video unearthed by Mother Jones, we learn that Paul Ryan wants to make America a “tax shelter.”
Forget that tax shelters are typically tiny nations where banks dominate the economy. Forget that America’s biggest problem — income inequality — is only fueled by tax breaks for the rich. Forget that some people believe patriotism should be enough to make people who have done extremely well in America pay the taxes they owe.
Paul Ryan understands the plight of Mitt Romney — a man who seems to have spent most of his adult life avoiding taxes — and he wants to make it easier for him, even though taxes as a share of GDP are at a half-century low.
Growing up reading Ayn Rand has given Paul Ryan a keen sense of empathy that only extends to the rich and you can see why Mitt Romney chose him to have his back. But the rich had better recognize that Mr. Ryan needs their support too. Rob Zerban, Ryan’s opponent for his seat in the House of Representatives, outraised the congressman in the third quarter.
Imagine if Paul Ryan lost twice in November. Who would speak for the rich then?
 Watch videos--Watch Videos--Paul Ryan Makes His Own Case Why He Should Not Be Vice-President and Why He Should Never Preside Over The U.S. Senate.

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