I'm not sure if you've seen them, but I am so outraged by the misleading ads the American Petroleum Institute is airing during national television and news radio programs. When I watch the news, I expect to see credible, honest information about critical issues facing our country, like our energy future — especially during election season. Join me in asking ABC, CBS and NBC to stop airing the fracking industry's lies during national newscasts.
This industry-led group is made up of some of the worst offenders when it comes to dirty energy: Chevron, Exxon, Duke Energy, Chesapeake and many more. With the elections around the corner, API is truly living up to its “dirty” name by running its “Vote for Energy” ads that claim to advocate sound energy policy, but are really aimed at keeping us hooked on dirty fuels, to the tune of billions of dollars in profits for the companies API represents. Help stop these lies today by signing our petition to the major news networks, asking them to say no to API's misleading ads.
As you may know, hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," injects millions of gallons of fracking fluids—a mixture of nearly 600 chemicals, water and sand — into a well to create pressure that cracks open rocks underground, releasing natural gas. This process is not only incredibly destructive, it also endangers the health and safety of whole communities. Studies by countless researchers — many of which were covered by ABC, CBS and NBC — have raised serious questions about the risks of fracking. Tell the major news networks to stop airing misinformation from API during this election season.
Speak out against the fracking lies today:
Thanks for taking action,
Sarah Alexander
Make Conservation A National Priority ! PLEASE SIGN ! !
We all live under the same sky, breathe the same air, drink the same water.
We believe protecting the wild is part of our responsibility to future generations.
We believe that common sense stewardship of America's resources is
Stop Plans for Mining Utah's National Park ! PLEASE SIGN ! !
The Bureau of Land Management is getting ready to open an enormous 3,500 acre strip coal mine in Utah, just along Bryce Canyon National Park's borders.
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