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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This Ohio State Issue #2 is A Yah.

This Year's Election Ohio State Issue #2

Ballot language

The ballot language of the measure reads as follows:[2]
The proposed amendment would:1. Remove the authority of elected representatives and grant new authority to appointed officials to establish congressional and state legislative district lines.
2. Create a state funded commission of appointed officials from a limited pool of applicants to replace the aforementioned. The Commission will consist of 12 members as follows: four affiliated with the largest political party, four affiliated with the second largest political party and four not affiliated with either of the two largest political parties. Affirmative votes of 7 of 12 members are needed to select a plan.
3. Require new legislative and congressional districts be immediately established by the Commission to replace the most recent districts adopted by elected representatives, which districts shall not be challenged except by court order until the next federal decennial census and apportionment. In the event the Commission is not able to determine a plan by October 1, the Ohio Supreme Court would need to adopt a plan from all the plans submitted to the Commission.
4. Change the standards and requirements in the Constitution for drawing legislative and congressional districts.
5. Mandate the General Assembly to appropriate all funds as determined by the Commission including, but not be limited to, compensating:
1. Staff
2. Consultants
3. Legal counsel
4. Commission members
If approved, the amendment will be effective thirty days after the election.


  • Voters First is the main group in favor of the measure. The organization spearheaded the initiative effort.
  • According to Catherine Turcer, chair of Voters First, at the time of the signature submission deadline on July 4, 2012, "We're celebrating Independence Day the way that you should. Thinking about our forefathers; thinking about the quality of our vote; thinking about what we as voters can do to actually make a difference."[3]

And Myself! After all, This Independent is sick and tired of both sides of the aisle getting to pick and chose who will be in their district. It is time, that we the voter make sure that our voices are heard.


  • The Cincinnati USA Regional chamber stated, "Oppose Ohio Issue 2, Ohio Redistricting: The Ohio redistricting amendment, if passed, will establish a 12-person citizen commission to draw General Assembly and congressional districts following the decennial census. The Chamber opposes Issue 2 and urges a “no” vote because it removes accountability to voters. If passed, Issue 2 would replace elected officials with an unelected, unaccountable, citizen commission with unlimited funds to redraw congressional and General Assembly district lines, while excluding some Ohioans from serving on the commission."[4]
 Otherwise Known as the Ohio Republicans, The very same ones who are fighting the Red Herring Battle Against Voter Fraud--AS IF Voter Fraud actually exists As If Any IL-legal Alien would risk a fine--IL-legals work the lowest paying jobs, The Fine of $500 would well over a months wages--Who In Their Right Mind Would Risk That Much Money, just to Vote??? NO ONE!!!!! AND THAT DOES NOT FACTOR IN THE JAIL TIME OR THE RISK OF DEPORTATION--THIS IS WHY THIS BLOGGER DOES NOT BELIEVE THESE LIES AND DECEPTIONS WHICH THE LAWS AND HISTORYHAVE THOROUGHLY DIS-PROVEN!!!

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