Dear Readers, I am passing this e-mail on not only for the usual reason that it is too important not to, but also as a Way of Thanking Various Republicans for their Support of Sen Sherrod Brown, who is indeed our Environmental Candidate for the U.S. Senate--YES, The Coal and Gas and Oil Indurties fear him and they fear him for a good reason, with Sherrod Brown in the Senate their Greedy and Polluting Ways Will Be Held In Check, as opposed to the free reign of destruction that Mandel would give them.
Relentless.There's no other way to describe Big Oil and Big Coal's latest attacks on our environment.In the face of a hellish summer, where fires raged in Colorado, ice caps disappeared, and drought destroyed crops, Big Oil and Big Coal's answer was more – like Shell declaring they are "raising the bar" even after being forced to temporarily halt drilling in Alaska.Whether it's drilling in vulnerable Arctic waters, transporting toxic tar sands through the heartland of America, extracting gas from shale, or leaving our ground water polluted, nothing is off the table for these companies.By spending ludicrous amounts of money on lobbying to influence our government, Big Oil and Big Coal are aiming to keep on doing what they've always done.But we're not going to let that happen. We're fighting back in a big way to run a massive, coordinated campaign with some of the largest environmental organizations – to expose the truth, mobilize the public, and ultimately protect the environment.Our ability to hold back these powerful, extractive industries will be determined by how much you can help us right now.Your gift is 100% tax deductible and will help us prepare for the end of the election and the start of Congress's crunch-time year-end sessions. Just remember:
- Big Oil may have deep pockets – but we have the power of millions of concerned citizens on our side.
- When we've come together to stand up against environmental disasters in the making – the Keystone Pipeline, ridiculously low auto emissions standards, Shell drilling in the Arctic – we've seen real victories.
- Wild animals can't protect themselves from Big Oil's onslaught. For the sake of the polar bears, the endangered bowhead whales, the spotted seals, and so many other animals, we must speak out more powerfully than we've ever done before – to protect them and the environment they rely on.
With your help we can reach literally millions of people just like you with truthful campaigns that can generate a groundswell of support for wildlife and the environment.You can be sure that corporations like Shell and Exxon will continue to push for being able to drill deeper, in more places, and with more ruthless methods. So we need to push with grassroots organizing and pressure on Congress. But to continue that work, we need your help.We need $10,000 by October 31st to ensure that we can do as much as possible before the election ends and the real legislative work begins.Thank you again for all the work you've done to help us achieve such amazing things in the face of Big Oil and Big Coal's millions.Sincerely,Michael Town
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