Get Ready for 2012's First Presidential Debate! |
Yes, I will be watching this debate. After all, I am off Wednesday, but as far as playing the bingo, I think not, but then again, that is just me. I thought I would pass it on any ways. After all, just because I am not interested, does not mean someone else might very interested in it.Whether you are eagerly awaiting tomorrow's debate -- to hear what the presidential candidates will say about our economy, jobs and environment -- or have no interest in politics whatsoever, we have a fun activity for you to make the debate more entertaining. Care2 has created a special game of bingo for your debate-watching pleasure.
For today's Daily Action, catch election fever with a humorous twist by reading our blog post.
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Resilience Meets Compassion: Makes a Full Recovery |
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" is a quote widely attributed to Mahatma Gandhi whose birthday is celebrated in India and across other parts of the world today. Gandhi promoted nonviolence and compassion towards all beings including animals.
For today's secondary action, and in celebration of compassion towards animals, read about an amazing dog in Portugal who narrowly escaped death, and hear from the people who saved his life.
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Yes, I am an animal lover, most especially cats. It saddens me to see so many--too many end up as road kill, which is why I am a firm believer in keep pet either indoors or within a fenced in yard, but that is just me. After all, I know how mad I can become when someone starts telling me how to live my life, so the last thing that I want to do--is to do that to anyone else.
I must confess this is where the Far Left gets me pissed off--So many have so much compassion for the animal that becomes dinner that they have nothing but contempt for the person.
No, I do not eat meat at every meal, but to say that I am semi-vegetarian or semi-meat eater is hard to say. After all, one thing that I may never be is that organized--I have never been able to keep that good of records to keep that close of track of what I eat. After all, I do have more important things to do, like with any wing and a prayer keeping this blog at least semi-interesting, adding a second part-time job to my schedule, practicing the clarinet and still find time to read books and write my novel, which will be my first.
What I enjoy most is my freedom to chose what to eat and how to eat it and hopefully make it to the gym often enough to burn it off.
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