A Texas county district attorney and his wife were slain in their home two months after a top prosecutor in his office was gunned down in the courthouse parking lot. Authorities don't know if the deaths are linked. FULL STORY
Yesterday, yet another violent death due to guns being in the wrong hands. This is why we need to do more to keep guns off the streets and why background checks are only the best start to curbing the gun violence that is plaguing America.
Dear Rightwing Catholic Islamophobes: Pope Francis Just Washed the Feet of a Poor Muslim
The thing that strikes me about all this is that there is a small strand of American Catholic conservatism that frankly despises both the poor and Muslims, and is one of the pillars of prejudice against Muslims (some call it Islamophobia) in the US....Read More.
Yes, Three cheers for Pope Francis. On this Resurrection Sunday, tolerance for other beliefs should not be forgotten. After all, two wrongs only equal two wrongs. There may or may not be religious freedom in many Muslim Countries and or those religious freedoms may be highly limited, but that does not mean we Americans get to forsake our First Amendment to our Bill of Rights.
Solar-Energy Jobs Booming in U.S.; Arizona Seeing Benefits By Cale Ottens, Cronkite News Service Read More: Http://Azcapitol
"....Solar energy jobs in the U.S. grew by 13 percent over the past year, a rate almost six times faster than the national average employment growth rate...." PLEASE NOTE, SHARE, IF YOU LIKE -- GO SOLAR, GO GET SOLAR JOB !
YES!!!!This--This is why there is no excuse not to Ban Fracking--Fracking Is Not Needed--There are Alternative Energies--There Are Alternative Energy Jobs--But there is only One planet that supports life--Earth, Our Home, Our Only Home in this life, so we had better start taking better care of it or else our children and grandchildren will inherit one big mess.
And Thank God, Even More Good News>>>>
California Project Map 3000 Solar Homes //VOLUNTEER AND LEARN SOLAR INSTALLATION.
"GRID Alternatives' seven California offices serve nearly every corner of the state, from Del Norte County down to San Diego. The circles represent project concentrations in each area. Click on a region to see projects by county and learn more...."
HINT---HINT>>>OHIO and other states of the union of states that make up the United States of America.
After all, we can make a difference>>>>
Read More, Sign, Share and on behalf of Robert, Thank You Very Much, Indeed.Confronting the climate crisis is the challenge of our generation, and we urge you to honor the best traditions in American journalism by putting the focus on science and accurately reporting on climate change...
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