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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Why I blog>>>>>>

Dear Readers, if there are any questions why I got so angry about this sequester--this video and e-mail will answer, at least one>>>>
Last Sunday, GOP Rep. Michael Grimm told a NY news program that sequestration cuts "...can't have that profound effects.” Well, perhaps he should've checked with his constituents.

Grimm forgot about the $2.9 billion in relief funds that Hurricane Sandy victims won't get because of drastic cuts to FEMA, Army Corps of Engineers, transportation repair and block grant accounts. That is why we made a video for Rep. Grimm about just how profound an effect these cuts will have. Click here to watch the video and share it with your friends and family. >>>>
Click Here & Watch the Video >>>
Michael Grimm and the Tea Party Congress flat out refused to find a balanced sequestration solution, and now communities ravaged by Hurricane Sandy are being forced to pay the price. The worst part is that Grimm won't even acknowledge how much people in Sandy disaster zones will be impacted by the cuts. Click here to watch and share our video.>>>>

          Thanks for standing up,


In addition there is also this e-mail>>>>>
 By now you’ve probably heard a lot about sequestration—the across-the-board cuts to government agencies, totaling $1.2 trillion over 10 years—which are now in effect.
And, like a lot of Americans, you probably have questions. For one, what does it mean for our relationship with the UN?
These cuts, split 50/50 between defense and domestic discretionary spending, could mean that the U.S. will fall about $100 million short of its dues to UN peacekeeping. We stand to fall $300 million short on overall contributions to the UN.
In a tough fiscal climate, one thing is for sure — there are no easy solutions to balancing our budget. However, slashing contributions to the UN will have extremely negative consequences. The cuts to international peacekeeping, for example, could equate to roughly the entirety of U.S. contributions to the missions along the Israel/ Syria border, and in Cyprus, Western Sahara, and Kosovo ­- all put together, times two.
In addition to undermining the viability of these and other peacekeeping missions, failing to pay our dues in full would weaken America’s standing with its international partners.
So, what can you do about it?
As Congress considers alternatives to the sequester and reassesses the 2013 budget later this month, speak up! Ask your member of Congress to fully pay our assessed obligations to the UN and keep the U.S. from falling behind on its dues.
 None of us has all of the answers to this crisis. But for the sake of our national security and peace, we cannot afford to let this one slip through the cracks.

Thank you for taking action,

Peter Yeo
Executive Director, Better World Campaign

After all, what can be said of this much hate, ignorance and violence >>>

When A Supreme Court Justice Sounds Like A Racist Internet Commenter, We've Got A Problem


A Politician Attacks Gay People Using Pretend Science. Real Science Corrects HIm.


How We Can Address Sexual Violence on Campuses





Take Action: Congress: Vote For The Cancel the Sequester Act of 2013 (HR 900)

J.L. -
We need every single office in the House to hear from their constituents, tell them you are sick and tired of these self-imposed budget crises, tell them they need to get out of the way and let America work and tell them to vote yes on HR 900 The Cancel. . . . READ  AND SIGN!!!!

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