By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNetA number of states are making progress in establishing gun controls, but Congress has its head in the sand. READ MORE»
As the saying goes--Follow The Money>>>From Washington Post Politics--
How the NRA exerts influence over Congress
The National Rifle Association uses campaign expenditures and a rating system based on members' voting histories to exert influence over members of Congress. Use this graphic to see who gets the most -- and least -- support.... totaling about $650,000
Republican candidates received
about 90 percent of that money.

Dear Readers, this is why I am passing on this e-mail, since it will take many voices to be heard over the money, but it can be done, if each one of us adds our voice to the courrous.
The U.S. Senate is in danger of losing their nerve and bowing to pressure from the NRA. They need to hear from you before it’s too late!
Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Reid said several key measures to prevent gun violence were in jeopardy because not enough Senators have come forward in support. Even though 57% of Americans want to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines off our streets -- Reid said that the measure had no more than 40 votes. And despite an overwhelming 92% of Americans who want background checks for all gun sales -- Reid said this crucial measure might be sidelined as well.2
That’s why Mayors Against Illegal Guns is organizing a National Day to Demand Action on Thursday, March 28th, when Senators will be at home for Easter/Passover Recess.
RSVP to join the National Day to Demand Action -- pledge to call your Senators on March 28 and help shut down their phone lines.
Your members of Congress are heading back home for recess and will be making up their minds on how they’ll vote come April. That’s why we are kicking off the
largest on-the-ground organizing campaign in the history of gun violence prevention.
In the days ahead, you’ll be receiving email invitations to attend events near you or to make calls to your Senator’s home district offices.
Your Senators need to hear from you before they vote on gun reform.
There’s no question about it. Your community will be talking about guns. Please join the National Day to Demand Action and make sure your elected officials support laws that will save lives:
Thank you for taking action at this crucial moment!
Mark Glaze
Mayors Against Illegal Guns
P.S. -- Can’t wait till March 28th to call your Senators? Use this call tool to connect to your senators RIGHT NOW!
After all, as it is Written in Our Constitution--We The People In Order To Form A More Perfect Union...
No, I have not forgotten the 2nd Amendment, which was written before there were Government Issued (G.I.) weapons for the Militia (National Guard). At the time, the Second Amendment was ratified each man who was in the Militia was responsible for arming himself with his own flintlock pistol and musket and a large portion of ammo.
Dear Readers, In addition to that--there is this e-mail;
It's sad but true — in their efforts to block a global arms trade treaty, the NRA is willing to let tyrants and warlords arm children. In conflict zones around the world, the horrific problem of child soldiers is exacerbated by the unregulated flow of weapons.
Right now, world leaders are convening to negotiate the first ever treaty that will help keep weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers, including armed groups and government forces that force children into combat.
The keys to a strong Arms Trade Treaty are in President Obama’s hands. Last year, the administration stalled negotiations following a campaign of lies and disinformation by the NRA and the gun lobby.
A strong Arms Trade Treaty means fewer child soldiers, fewer women raped in conflict zones, and fewer senseless deaths. And despite NRA lies, the treaty will have absolutely no impact on gun rights in the US.
It's critical that President Obama hear from you. Tell President Obama the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty NOW.
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